Barron's - USA (2020-12-07)

(Antfer) #1
Daniel Berman

To the Next Generation of Philanthropists

Two decades ago, when starting our journey in

philanthropy, we were fortunate to have a very wise

advisor: Warren Buett.

Warren had been donating his money since the 1960s,

and he helped us think critically about how to donate

ours. We wanted to improve education in the United

States and fight poverty and disease around the world,

and Warren pushed us to be ambitious. In 2006, Warren

donated the bulk of his fortune to our foundation, and he

gave us a mandate. “Swing for the fences,” he said.

Neither of us were enormous baseball fans, but we

understood what he meant. When you swing for the

fences, you’re putting every ounce of strength into hitting

the ball as far as possible. You know that your bat might

miss the ball entirely—but that if you succeed in making

contact, you’re going to hit a home run.

Today, that’s how we think about our philanthropy,

too. The goal isn’t just incremental progress. It’s

to put the full force of our eorts and resources

behind the big bets that, if successful, will save and

improve lives.

This year, the fence we’re swinging for—and indeed,

the entire world is swinging for—is a very obvious and

very high fence. The world must end the Covid-19

pandemic and soften its ripple eects, including the

adjacent economic crisis that has plunged 37 million

people back into poverty. To address the challenge,

countries must devote all the money and expertise they

possibly can—and even then, it may not be enough.

This is a moment when new philanthropists can step in

and help fill the gaps.

For those who are just starting out in philanthropy,

we’ve written some general advice below. There aren’t any

baseball metaphors, but we hope there is something in

here that is useful to you—just as Warren’s wisdom has

been to us.

Swing for the fences,

Bill & Melinda Gates

Don’t expect to change the world overnight. Covid-19

isn’t just exploiting the pre-existing conditions in people’s

bodies; it’s exploiting the pre-existing conditions in our

societies, including racism, sexism, and poverty. We know that

the virus is disproportionately killing Black Americans and

that women are losing their jobs fastest in the recession.

These inequalities are the result of centuries of discrimination,

and there’s no one grant that can erase that history. For

philanthropists trying to solve society’s most entrenched

problems, please know two things: It will take years of

sustained generosity, but we think your work will be worth it.

“If you’re a philanthropist who always succeeds,

you’re a philanthropist who is failing.” This is more good

advice from Warren. His point was: It’s philanthropy’s job to

do what other institutions, like businesses and governments,

usually can’t: take risks. By definition, that means

philanthropy’s success rate can be lower than other sectors.

But those failures pave the way to breakthroughs.

Philanthropy can be a team sport. This is the closest we

come to a baseball metaphor. Historically, philanthropists have

put a limit on their impact by working alone. But that’s

starting to change. Groups like the Audacious Project,

Co-Impact, Blue Meridian Partners, Lever for Change, and the

Climate Leadership Initiative are making it easy for donors to

pool their money and share their expertise. They can absorb

large grants—from $10 million to $100 million or more—and

fund really smart solutions to big social problems like poverty,

education, and climate change.

Star t now. It’s important to do your research before

you start to give, but it’s also important to learn by giving.

Modern philanthropy is a relatively new field. There’s no

textbook. The sooner you become a philanthropist, the sooner

you’ll become a good one.

6 | PENTA | December 2020

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