(Nirmal KumarTnzixM) #1


  1. Exercises should produce the greatest impression of realism. To achieve this,
    the scenarios should be located in a fictitious sea area. Situations, functions
    and actions for different learning objectives which occur in different sea areas
    can be integrated into one exercise and experienced in real time.

  2. The main objective of simulator exercises is to ensure that trainees
    understand their responsibilities in the operational use of ECDIS in all safety-
    relevant aspects and are thoroughly familiar with the system and equipment

Principal types of ECDIS systems and their display characteristics

  1. The trainee should gain knowledge of the principal types of ECDIS in use;
    their various display characteristics, data structure and an understanding of:

.1 differences between vector and raster charts;

.2 differences between ECDIS and ECS;

.3 differences between ECDIS and RCDS*;

.4 characteristics of ECDIS and their different solutions; and

.5 characteristics of systems for special purposes (unusual

Risks of over-reliance on ECDIS

  1. The training in ECDIS operational use should address:

.1 the limitations of ECDIS as a navigational tool;

.2 potential risk of improper functioning of the system;

.3 system limitations, including those of its sensors;

.4 hydrographic data inaccuracy; limitations of vector and raster
electronic charts (ECDIS vs RCDS and ENC vs RNC); and

.5 potential risk of human errors.

Emphasis should be placed on the need to keep a proper look-out and to perform
periodical checking, especially of the ship’s position, by ECDIS-independent

Detection of misrepresentation of information

  1. Knowledge of the limitations of the equipment and detection of
    misrepresentation of information is essential for the safe use of ECDIS. The
    following factors should be emphasised during training:

.1 performance standards of the equipment;

* SN/Circ.207/Rev.1 – Differences between RCDS and ECDIS.
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