Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

178 CHAPTER 8 stUdY GUide

study Guide: review and apply

Meet Your Objectives
8.1 List five potential sources of supporting material for a speech.
Five sources of supporting material are personal knowledge and experience; the
Internet; online databases, which can be accessed by library subscription via a
networked computer; traditional library holdings, including books and refer-
ence resources; and interviews. Carefully evaluate Internet resources you find
through Web searches.
Key Terms
World Wide Web
Vertical search engine

Boolean search

Online databases

8.2 Explain five strategies for a methodical research process.
A methodological research process includes the following strategies: Develop
a preliminary bibliography, locate resources, assess the usefulness of resources,
take notes, and identify possible presentation aids.
Key Term
Preliminary bibliography

8.3 List and describe six types of supporting material.
You can choose from various types of supporting material, including illustra-
tions, descriptions and explanations, definitions, analogies, statistics, and opin-
ions. A mix of supporting material is more interesting and convincing than the
exclusive use of any one type.
Key Terms
Brief illustration
Extended illustration
Hypothetical illustration

Definition by
Operational definition
Literal analogy
Figurative analogy

Primary source
Secondary source
Expert testimony
Lay testimony
Literary quotation

8.4 List and explain six criteria for determining the best supporting
material to use in a speech.
Six criteria—magnitude, proximity, concreteness, variety, humor, and suitability—
can help you choose the most effective support for your speech.

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