ChAPTER 15 stUdY GUide 341
15.6 Develop an audience-centered informative speech.
You can apply principles of informative speaking to adapt the audience-centered
model of speaking. Choose and narrow your topic by determining what the au-
dience already knows. Use action words in your specific-purpose statement. The
needs of your audience and topic will help you organize your speech and gather
supporting materials. Seek audience feedback on your teaching effectiveness as
you rehearse, and adapt your delivery, if needed, to ensure that the audience
understands your message.
Think about These Questions
• To give your five-minute speech about nuclear energy, you must greatly
simplify what is a very complex process. How can you avoid misrepresent-
ing your topic? Should you let your audience know that you are oversim-
plifying the process?
• Ken’s boss has given him the task of presenting a report to a group of
potential investors about his company’s recent productivity trends. The
presentation includes many statistics. What suggestions would you offer to
help Ken give an interesting and effective informative presentation?
• Before giving a speech to your class in which you share a story that includes
personal information about one of your friends, should you ask permission
from your friend?
• What strategies does your public-speaking teacher use in class to enhance
listener recall?