Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

How to Motivate listeners 16.3 353

Use Cognitive Dissonance

Dissonance theory is based on the principle that people strive to solve problems
and manage stress in a way that is consistent with their attitudes, beliefs,
and values.^5 According to the theory, when you are presented with informa-
tion inconsistent with your current attitudes, beliefs, values, or behavior, you
become aware that you have a problem; you experience a kind of discomfort
called cognitive dissonance. The word cognitive has to do with our thoughts.
Dissonance means “lack of harmony or agreement.” When you think of a
dissonant chord in music, you probably think of a collection of unpleasant
sounds not in tune with the melody or other chords.
Most people seek to avoid feelings of dissonance. Cognitive dissonance,
then, means that you are experiencing a way of thinking that is inconsistent and
uncomfortable. If, for example, you smoke cigarettes and a speaker reminds you
that smoking is unhealthy, this reminder creates dissonance. You can restore bal-
ance and solve the problem either by no longer smoking or by rejecting the mes-
sage that smoking is harmful.

how to usE cognitivE DissonancE Creating dissonance with a per-
suasive speech, by using the approach shown in the How To box, can be an ef-
fective way to change attitudes and behavior.

Use Cognitive Dissonance to Persuade

  1. Identify an existing
    problem or need.

  2. Create dissonance.

  3. Offer a solution that
    can restore the
    audience’s sense of
    balance and comfort.

How To

• Evie believes that we should only eat organic fruits and
• A candidate for mayor points out that city streets are in
desperate need of repair.
• Evie seeks to create dissonance by suggesting that we could
more readily develop cancer by eating nonorganic farm
• The mayoral candidate blames the current mayor for the
street problems, aiming to create dissonance among listeners
who support the current mayor but would like smooth roads.
• Evie offers listeners a way to reduce their dissonance. She
points out that eating more healthful organic fruits and
vegetables—precisely what Evie is advocating—can reduce
the threat of cancer.
• The candidate also offers listeners a way to restore their
balance and feeling of comfort. He suggests that road repairs
will become a priority if they, as voters, elect him mayor.
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