402 17.5 Using PersUasive strategies
span of 30 years. They found consistently that grass-fed beef had better,
or excuse me, lower fat and lower cholesterol, and no random filler meat
as well. So on top of that, the same study also says that there is more
vitamin A and vitamin E, as well as antioxidants in grass-fed beef, as well.
And there’s also a better ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in
grass-fed beef, which is actually very important for brain health.
So a lot of people also like to dismiss grass-fed beef as, “Oh, it’s
only something that, you know, hippies would do,” or “I’m not all into the
organic thing.” Well, let me just offer this little fun fact. President Ronald
Reagan, the poster child for modern conservatism, demanded that he only
had organic beef while he was serving as president of the United States.
So, even Ronald Reagan was on board with organic grass-fed beef.
So, today we’ve talked about the unhealthy by-products that make
their way into grain-fed beef, which is pink slime, and the story behind
how it even got there in the first place. We have also talked about the
unhealthy process by which grain-fed cows are raised, including the
antibiotics they are given and what the actual grain consists of when it’s
not really grain. It’s really more of grain and animal carcass. And we’re also
offered a simple solution, which is to go to the grocery store and at least
try to buy organic grass-fed beef.
At least try it once. And so, that’s all I ask today, is not to make a life-
changing decision to never again eat the ground beef that comes in tubes,
but to go out and, at least one time, try grass-fed organic ground beef
As he moves into his
conclusion, he summarizes his
key arguments.
He ends with a specific call to
action, encouraging his listeners
to take a small step toward
addressing the problem he
Many political candidates use a problem–solution approach. Problem: The
government wastes your tax dollars. Solution: Vote for me, and I’ll see to it that
government waste is eliminated. Problem: We need more and better jobs. Solution:
Vote for me, and I’ll institute a program to put people back to work.
Note in the following outline of Jason’s speech, “The Dangers of Electro-
magnetic Fields,” how he plans to first document a clear problem and then
recommend strategies for managing the problem.
PROBLEM: Power lines and power stations around the country emit radia-
tion and are now being shown to increase the risk of cancer.
I. Childhood leukemia rates are higher in children who live near large
power lines.
II. The International Cancer Research Institute in Lyon, France, published
a report linking electromagnetic fields and childhood cancer.
SOLUTION: Steps can be taken to minimize our risk of health hazards
caused by electromagnetic energy.
I. The federal government should establish enforceable safety standards
for exposure to electromagnetic energy.
II. Contact your local power company to make sure its lines are operated