Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Build Your Confidence 2.2 21

Build Your Confidence

2.2 Describe effective strategies for building public-speaking confidence.

Both contemporary research and centuries of experience from seasoned public
speakers suggest some practical advice for managing nervousness when you
give a speech.^24

Know Your Audience

Learn as much about your audience as you can. We offer advice on how to gather
information about your listeners in Chapter 6. The more you can anticipate the
kind of reaction your listeners will have to your speech, the more comfortable
you will be in delivering your message.^25 As you are preparing your speech,
periodically visualize your listeners’ response to your message. Be audience-
centered rather than speaker-centered; consider their needs, goals, and hopes.
Don’t keep telling yourself how nervous you are going to be.^26 An audience-
centered speaker focuses on connecting to listeners rather than focusing on fear.

Don’t Procrastinate

One research study confirmed what you probably already know: Speakers who
are more apprehensive about speaking put off working on their speeches, in con-
trast to speakers who are less anxious about public speaking.^27 The lack of thor-
ough preparation often results in a poorer speech performance, reinforcing the
speaker’s perception that public speaking is difficult. Realize that if you fear that
you’ll be nervous when speaking, you’ll tend to put off working on your speech.
Take charge by tackling the speech assignment early, giving yourself every chance
to be successful. Don’t let your fear freeze you into inaction. Prepare early.

Select an Appropriate Topic

You will feel less nervous if you talk about something with which you are famil-
iar or with which you have some personal experience. Judy Shepard, whose son
Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered in 1998 for being gay, describes her
public-speaking course back in college as her “worst nightmare.”^28 But today,
because of her fervent belief in her cause, she is a frequent conference speaker
and ardent proponent of gay rights.^29 Talking about something you are passion-
ate about can boost your motivation and help you to manage your fear. Your
comfort with the subject of your speech will be reflected in your delivery. In
Chapter 7, we offer more detailed guidance about how to select a topic.

Be Prepared

One formula applies to most speaking situations you are likely to experi-
ence: The better prepared you are, the less anxiety you will experience. Being


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