Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
ChaPter 3 stuDY guiDe 47

3.6 Describe several types of supporting material that could be used to
support speech ideas.

Supporting material consists of the facts, examples, definitions, statistics, analo-
gies, quotations, stories, and visual material that illustrate, amplify, and clarify
your speech. You can find supporting material through the Internet, library re-
sources, other people, or your daily life.

3.7 Develop a speech with three main organizational parts—an
introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Your introduction provides an overview of your main points, the body of your
speech presents the key points, and the conclusion summarizes what you have

Key Term

3.8 Identify successful strategies for rehearsing a speech.

Rehearse your speech several times in a way that re-creates the actual speech
presentation experience.

3.9 Describe the essential elements of effective speech delivery.

The essential aspects of effective delivery include good eye contact with your
listeners, a voice that can be heard by all, and appropriate gestures and posture
that seem natural.

Think about These Questions

•   Explain how you think your culture influences your expectations of a pub-
lic speaker.
• One of your friends took a public-speaking course last year and still has a
file of speech outlines. Because you will give the speech yourself, is it ethi-
cal to use one of your friend’s outlines as a basis for your speech? Explain.
• Shara Yobonski is preparing to address the city council in an effort to tell
the members about the Food for Friendship program she has organized in
her neighborhood. What steps should she follow to prepare and deliver an
effective speech?
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