Gloomhaven RulesBook

(Jeff_L) #1
1 Rule Book 18 Character Miniatures 47 Monster Stat Sheets 24 Battle Goal Cards 50 Money Tokens

1 Scenario Book

17 Character Boards
6 Monster Stat Sleeves

24 Personal Quest Cards 46 Damage Tokens

1 Town Records Book

504 Character Ability Cards
150 Event Cards

9 Random Scenario Cards 10 Scenario Aid Tokens

1 Map Board

457 Attack Modifier Cards

253 Item Cards

40 Random Dungeon Cards

4 HP/XP Dials

12 Objective Tokens

4 Player Reference Cards

30 2-Sided Map Tiles

240 Monster Standees

6 Wood Element Discs

32 Summon Tokens

17 Character Pads

1 Party Pad

3 Sealed Envelopes

155 2-Sided Overlay Tiles

232 Monster Ability Cards

35 Character Tuck Boxes

24 Plastic Stands

1 Element Infusion Board

1 Round Tracker

60 Status Tokens

85 Character Tokens^4 Sticker Sheets


Play Overview pp.4–

  1. Character Mats p.

  2. Character Ability Cards p.

  3. Item Cards p.

  4. Monster Statistic Cards p.

  5. Monster Ability Cards p.

  6. Battle Goal Cards p.

  7. Attack Modifier Cards p.

Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of battling monsters and advancing a player’s own individual goals. The
game is meant to be played as part of a campaign, where a group of players will use the accompanying Scenario
Book to string together a series of adventures, unlocking new content for the game as they progress. Any
revealed scenario, however, can also function as a highly variable stand-alone experience.

This rule book is split into two parts: The first part will teach you how to play through an individual scenario,
interacting with monsters and the environment using character ability cards. The second will teach you how to
use the Scenario Book to link a series of adventures together to create a story of your own choosing, advancing
your character’s abilities and unlocking new content to further enhance your experience.

Scenario Setup pp.12–

  1. Scenario Page pp.12–

  2. Overlay Tiles pp.14–

  3. Scenario Level p.

  4. Game Variant: Open Information and
    Solo Play p.

Round Overview pp.16–

  1. Card Selection pp.16–
    a. Resting p.

  2. Determining Initiative p.

  3. Character Turn pp.18–
    a. Move p.
    i. Revealing a Room p.
    b. Attack pp.19–
    i. Advantage and
    Disadvantage pp.20–
    ii. Area Effects p.
    iii. Attack Effects p.
    c. Conditions pp.22–
    d. Elemental Infusions pp.23–
    e. Active Bonuses pp.25–
    i. Shield p.
    ii. Retaliate p.
    f. Heal p.
    g. Summon p.
    h. Recover and Refresh p.
    i. Loot p.
    i. End of Turn Looting p.
    j. Gaining Experience pp.27–
    k. Character Damage p.
    l. Exhaustion p.
    m. Items p.

  4. Monster Turn pp.29–
    a. Order of Action p.
    b. Monster Focus pp.29–


End of round:Monster actions:

On turn:Initiative [^ B]:
Start of Round:C hoose one pathAorAA BB
DZDZDZDZDZOptionalReducetheShuffleDZEliteThenDZrest.FocusDZonDZmoveDZelementDZDZDZDZDZDZattackDZfirst,DZshortDZDZDZDZDZDZclosest,DZthenDZtoDZrest:DZmaximizeDZstrength.DZandDZnormalDZloseDZDZDZDZDZDZlowestDZmonsterDZoneDZinDZattackDZascendingDZrandomDZdecksDZonDZinitiative.DZwhereDZdiscardDZfocus.DZnumericalDZ^ DZapplicable.DZandDZorder.DZrecoverDZDZ

cardPerformtheLeadingRevealDZotherDZandDZbottomDZtopDZDZinDZcardmonsterDZanyDZabilityDZabilityDZplayedDZorder.DZDZofDZoneactions,DZofDZDZDZactinDZandDZinitiativerefreshHealLoseDZrecoverDZoneDZDZDZDZDZDZspentDZDZDZDZDZ(self) 2 DZDZDZDZ]^99 DZdiscard[DZtheDZDZrest,DZandDZitems.order.DZDZ

PlayDZ2DZcards LongDZrest


Discard Lost
End of round:Monster actions:
On turn:Initiative [^ B]:
Start of Round:C hoose one pathAorAA BB
DZDZDZDZOptionalShuffleReducetheDZDZFocusDZonEliteThenDZrest.DZmoveDZfirst,DZshortDZDZDZDZDZDZattackDZelementDZDZDZDZDZDZclosest,DZthenDZtoDZmaximizeDZrest:DZandDZstrength.DZnormalDZmonsterDZDZDZDZDZDZlowestDZloseDZinDZattackDZoneDZascendingDZdecksDZrandomDZonDZinitiative.DZwhereDZfocus.DZdiscardDZnumericalDZ^ DZapplicable.DZandDZorder.DZrecoverDZDZ
cardPerformtheRevealLeadingDZotherDZandDZtopDZbottomDZmonsterDZcardDZinDZanyDZabilityDZplayedDZorder.DZabilityDZofDZactions,DZoneDZofDZDZDZactinDZrefreshDZinitiativeandLoseHealDZrecoverDZone (^2) DZDZDZDZDZDZspentDZDZDZDZDZ(self)DZDZDZ][DZ^99 DZtheDZdiscardDZorder.DZrest,DZandDZitems.DZDZ
PlayDZ2DZcards^ LongDZrest
points during the LayaboutGain 7 or fewer experience scenario.
482 M-
Player Reference
POISON - Extra damaged when attacked and prevents healing. Remove when healed.WOUND - Suff er damage at start of
turn. Remove when healed.IMMOBILIZE - Cannot move. Remove at end of next turn.
DISARM - Cannot attack. Remove at end of next turn.STUN - Cannot do anything but rest. Remove at end of next turn.
Player ReferenceMUDDLE - Disadvantage on attacks. Remove at end of next turn.CURSE - Gain CURSE attack modifi er card.
POISON - Extra damaged when attacked and prevents healing. Remove when healed.WOUND - Suff er damage at start of
turn. Remove when healed.IMMOBILIZE - Cannot move. Remove at end of next turn.
DISARM - Cannot attack. Remove at end of next turn.STUN - Cannot do anything but rest. Remove at end of next turn.
MUDDLE - Disadvantage on attacks. Remove at end of next turn.CURSE - Gain CURSE attack modifi er card.
(^15) Retaliate 2Shield 1
(^32) MoveAttackRange - 1+ 0+ 1
Living Bones
(^64) MoveAttack- 1+ 1
Living Bones
Even as a child, you could feel the call of Xorn. Once worshiped as a god, his fl ock has long since been destroyed and disbanded. But you can hear him calling. You will
travel to Gloomhaven as he commands. You will fi nd his remains and set him free. The plague will once again be embraced.
Complete three “Crypt” scenarios. Then unlock “Noxious Cellar” (Scenario 52) and follow it to a conclusion.Open Box
Seeker of Xorn
119 1210 10 : gold
57 86
31 42
A 554
Major: Minor: Tile: H1bMUDDLE MUDDLE all characters permanently. all characters.A
652421 - -
Ta r get 2
Ta r get 2

  • -Shield 1
    Ta r get 2 Ta r get 3

  • -^233457
    Shield 1Ta r get 3

Ta r get 2

Shield 1--
Ta r get 3 Ta r get 2
Shield 1 Shield 1
Living Bones Shield 1
Living Bones
Living Bones
(^0) Living Bones
1 2
Replace one card with one cardAdd two cardsRemove two cards
Add two cardsAdd one WOUND cardAdd one IMMOBILIZE card
Add one ADD TARGET cardIgnore negative scenario e ff e c t sAdd one Heal 2 card
Add one cardAdd three MUDDLE cards
Quatryl Tinkerer
Remove two cardsReplace one card with one cardAdd one cardAdd two cardsAdd three PUSH 1
Add two Add one Add one and one cards PIERCE DISARM MUDDLE STUN card 3 cards card card
Ignore negative item eff ects and add one cardAdd one Shield 1, Self cardAdd one TA RGE T ADD card
Inox Brute! If you would prefer to watch a video explanation of the rules, please visit
10x 40x
28x 12x 6x
1 / (^2) the attacker gains Disadvantage on the When attacked,
Leather Armor
1 / (^2) During your movement, add +2 Move to a
single movement.
Boots of Striding
Swordedge Armor
1 /damage from attacks targeting you, (^2) On the next three sources of gain Shield 1, Retaliate 1.
Boots of Levitation
1 / (^2) Gain Flying.^50
228x 25x
Standard Random
Confi dent that the wolves pose no signifi cant threat, you stand your ground and prepare for battle. The pack comes — ragged and hungry, slowly emerging from the dark — and surrounds your party.There are more of them than you expected,
but not enough to take you down. You suff er a bite or two, but are able to fi ght them off .All start scenario with 3 damage.
You pick up and run as fast as you can through the underbrush and away from the ominous sounds. They seem to be receding as you stumble headlong into some sort of thicket fi lled with sticky spines.You pull yourself out, but not before your
skin is pierced in numerous places and becomes infl amed. Best to avoid this plant in the future.All start scenario with POISON.
through the opened gate.“Nobody’s gonna go looking for your corpse if you don’t return!” the guard shouts at your back. you passively. You grunt in response and head you?” The guard at the wall looks at “Heading out a little late, aren’t
You ended up embarking out on the road much later than you had hoped — events in town saw to that — but as dusk settles on the horizon you feel confi dent that you are up to any threat you might face.And then begins the howling of wolves — vicious,
foul beasts — and, judging from their sounds, they seem to be getting closer.Option A: Run from the howling to safety.
Option B: Let the wolves come.
PAY 10 COLLECTIVE GOLD: You hand over the gold and take hold of the piece of garbage. Amidst troubling brown smears you see a lot of meaningless scratches likely made by rats and bugs. Oh well. Sometimes the long shot doesn’t pay off .No effect.
OTHERWISE: “Bah! You don’t have enough. Come back when you do!”No effect.
You laugh and gesture the Vermling away. You can recognize a low-life swindler when you see one. And that piece of garbage was just...foul. No effect.
“Hey! Over here!” You turn in the direction of the voice to see a fi lthy Vermling gesturing half-crowded market street, browsing wares.As the daylight fades, you fi nd yourselves wandering through a
from a dark alley. “Yeah, you grim-looking chaps. I have something you might be interested in.”The Vermling holds out a piece of metal covered in sludge. “Found this in the sewer. Writing on it I don’t understand, but I know it’s valuable. You
can have it for ten gold!”Option A: Pay for the thing. You never know.
Option B: Refuse to pay. Never trust a Vermling.
69x 81x
Road City
Tracker s
xC 833 -
10 xC (^33) - - 3412 xC
Living Bonesand reveal roomMove to next door Summon 1:2:-^44 xC 13
Move to next door 1:and reveal roomSummon 2:Living Bones
1:2:Move to next door and reveal roomSummon Living Bones
Living Bones2:Summon and reveal room1:Move to next door
Bandit Commander
Bandit Commander Bandit Commander
0 Bandit Commander
1 2
Ta r get 2 (^564) Ta r get 2 221 - -
Ta r get 2 (^351) - (^462) - Shield 1Ta r get 3

    • (^233) Shield 1 4 Ta r get 2^57 Ta r get 3
      Shield 1Ta r get 3^34 - 10 -^237 Ta r get 2
      Shield 1 Shield 1
      Living Bones Shield 1
      Living Bones
      Living Bones
      (^0) Living Bones
      1 2
      34x 13x
      Standard Boss
      8x 16x
      3 2

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