The Oxygen Group
This group does not include any natural metals. The first two members,
oxygen (O) and sulfur (S), are non-metals widespread in nature. The
remaining three natural elements are semi-metals. Only the artificial
member, livermorium (Lv), is thought to be a metal, but chemists don’t
really know for sure.
Atomic structure
All members have six
electrons in the outer shell
of each atom. This electron
structure makes these
elements highly reactive.
Physical properties
The members of this group are
solids, except oxygen (O), which
is a gas at room temperature.
The density of the elements
increases down the group.
Chemical properties
The reactivity of these
elements decreases down
the group. Oxygen is always
involved in the process
of combustion.
These elements can form
compounds with each other.
They all react with carbon (C)
to form compounds, some
with strong smells.
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