Philips Atlas of the Universe

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
 The repaired HST, 1994.
During the repair mission,
the faulty solar panels were
replaced. This picture was
taken just after the telescope
was released from the
Shuttle bay; the new solar
panels are in place.


 The Cone Nebulaas taken
by the Advanced Camera for
Surveys (ACS) aboard the
HST in 2002. This was one of
the first images released after
the new Camera was
installed on a servicing
mission in March that year.

▲ The Bubble Nebula (above
left)imaged by the WFPC2
aboard the HST. The
expanding shell of glowing
gas surrounds a hot massive
star in our Galaxy. The
Cartwheel Galaxy (above
right) is a system in Sculptor,
500 million light-years away.
The nucleus is the bright
object in the centre of the
image; the spoke-like
structures are wisps of
material connecting the
nucleus to the outer ring of
young stars.

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