Encyclopedia of the Solar System 2nd ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
138 Encyclopedia of the Solar System

TABLE 2 MESSENGERInstruments and
Instrument Observation

Duel Imaging System (1.5◦
and 10.5◦field of view)

Surface mapping in stereo
(10 color filters)
Gamma-Ray and Neutron

Surface composition (O, Si,
Fe, H, K)
X-Ray Spectrometer (1– to
10 kKeV)

Surface composition (Mg,
Al, Fe, Si, S, Ca, Ti)
Atmospheric and Surface

Surface and Exosphere
Magnetometer Magnetic field
Laser Altimeter Topography of northern
Energetic Particles and
Plasma Spectrometer

Energetic particles and
Radio Science (X-band

Gravity field and physical

necessary to answer most of the questions raised in this
chapter. The Europeans are also planning a Mercury mis-
sion called BepiColombo in the years immediately following


Benz, W., Slattery, W., and Cameron, A. G. W. (1988).Icarus
74 , 516–528.
Harmon, J. K., Perillat, P. J., and Slade, M. A. (2001).Icarus
149 , 1–15.
Potter, A. E., and Morgan, T. H. (1988).Science 247 , 675.
Robinson, M. S., and Lucey, P. G. (1997).Science 275 , 197–
Sprague, A., Kozlowski, R. W. H., and Hunten, D. M. (1990).
Science 249 , 1140–1142.

FIGURE 25 This drawing shows the orbit ofMESSENGERin
its 12-hour period. The elliptical orbit is required to maintain an
acceptable operating temperature, and yet still obtain
high-resolution data at and near closest approach. Hp is the
closest approach, Ha is the farthest point in the orbit, and the
orbit is inclined at an angle of 60◦to the equator.

Strom, R. G. (1984). “The Geology of the Terrestrial Planets”
(M. H. Carr, ed.). NASA SP-469, pp. 13–55. NASA, Washington,
Strom, R. G. (1987). “Mercury: The Elusive Planet.”
Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
Strom, R. G., and Sprague, A. L. (2003). “Exploring Mercury:
the Iron Planet.” Springer-Praxis, Chichester, England.
Various authors in a special issue on theMariner 10encounter
with Mercury. (1975).J. Geophys. Res. 80.
F. Vilas, F. Chapman, C. R., and Matthews, M. S., eds. (1988).
“Mercury,” Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson.
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