Encyclopedia of the Solar System 2nd ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
FIGURE 11 Radar image of small
volcanoes on the flank of Maat
Mons. The image is centered at
about 3.2◦N, 194.9◦E, and is 90 km
wide and 80 km long.

FIGURE 12 This image shows two
steep-sided and one
scalloped-margin domes in the
plains of Venus. At the center of the
image is a 50 km dome that overlaps
another feature to the southwest
that is about 45 km in diameter.
This volcano is cut by many
fractures. The southeastern volcano
(25 km diameter) has scalloped
edges that give this feature a bottle
cap- or tick-like appearance. The
scalloped edges are interpreted to
form when material slides off the
volcano margin.


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