Encyclopedia of the Solar System 2nd ed

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
624 Encyclopedia of the Solar System

TABLE 1 Major Meteor Showers, Date of Shower Maximum, Radiant in Celestial Coordinates, Geocentric Speed
(km/s), Maximum Hourly Rate, Parent Objectsa
Name Date RA DEC Speed Rate Parent Objectc

Quadrantids Jan. 3 230 + 49 42 140
April Lyrids Apr. 22 271 + 34 48 10 Comet1861 I Thatcher
Eta Aquarids May 3 336 − 2 66 30 P/Halley
June Lyrids June 16 278 + 35 31 10
S. Delta Aquarids July 29 333 − 17 41 30
Alpha Capricornids July 30 307 − 10 23 30 P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
S. Iota Aquarids Aug. 5 333 − 15 34 15
N. Delta Aquarids Aug. 12 339 − 542 20
Perseids Aug. 12 46 + 57 59 400 (1993) P/Swift-Tuttle
N. Iota Aquarids Aug. 20 327 − 631 15
Aurigids Sept. 1 84 + 42 66 30 Comet1911 II Kiess
Giacobinids Oct. 9 262 + 54 20 10 P/Giacobini-Zinner
Orionids Oct. 21 95 + 16 66 30 P/Halley
Taurids Nov. 3 51 + 14 27 10 P/Encke
Taurids Nov. 13 58 + 22 29 10 P/Encke
Leonids Nov. 17 152 + 22 71 3,000 (1966) P/Tempel-Tuttle
Geminids Dec. 14 112 + 33 34 70 Phaeton
Ursids Dec. 22 217 + 76 33 20 P/Tuttle

aAfter A. F. Cook (1973), In “Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids” (C. L. Hemenway, P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, eds.), NASA SP-319,
bRA, right ascension, and DEC, declination, in degrees.
cIf known, short-period comets are indicated by P/.

converted to heat, is sufficient to totally vaporize the me-
teoroid. During the deceleration of the meteoroid in the
atmosphere at about 100 km altitude, the meteoroid will
heat up and atoms from its outer surface will be ablated
until it is completely evaporated. A luminous train several
kilometers in length follows the meteoroid. It is this ionized
and luminous atmospheric gas and material from the me-
teoroid that is visible and that scatters radar signals. From
triangulation of the meteor train by ground stations (several
cameras or a radar station), the preatmospheric meteoroid
orbit is obtained with high accuracy.
During the atmospheric entry of objects larger than sev-
eral tens of kilograms or about 10 cm in diameter, a surface
layer of several centimeters in thickness will burn away,
and the object will be decelerated. That which reaches
Earth’s surface is called ameteorite. Meteorites of 1 kg
to several tons are sufficiently decelerated and fall on Earth
with the interior little altered by atmospheric entry. These
meteorites are the source of our earliest knowledge about
extraterrestrial material. [SeeMeteorites;Near-Earth
Much of the ablated material from a meteor will con-
dense again into small droplets, which will cool down and
form cosmic spherules that subsequently rain down to
Earth. These cosmic spherules can be found and identi-

fied in abundance in deep-sea sediments and on the large
ice masses of Greenland, the Arctic, and Antarctica. An av-
erage of 40 tons of extraterrestrial material per day in the
form of fine dust falls onto the surface of Earth.
At certain times, meteor showers can be observed at a
rate that is a hundred (and more) times higher than the
average sporadic meteor rate (Table 1). Figure 4 shows
several meteors in a photograph of the night sky taken on
17 November 1966. The visible rate was about one meteor
per second. Because all of these meteoroids travel on par-
allel trajectories, to an observer they seem to arrive from a
common point in the sky (the radiant), which in this case
lies in the constellation Leo. Therefore, this meteor shower
is called the Leonid shower.
The explanation for the yearly occurrence of meteor
showers is that all meteoroids in one stream closely fol-
low a common elliptic orbit around the Sun but are spread
out all along the orbit. Each year when the Earth crosses
this orbit on the same day, some meteoroids of the stream
hit the atmosphere and cause the shower.
Many meteor streams have orbits similar to those of
known comets (cf. Table 1). It is a generally accepted view
that meteor streams are derived from comets. Millimeter-
to centimeter-sized particles that are emitted from comets
at low speeds (m/s) are not visible in the normal comet tail
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