A History of Mathematics- From Mesopotamia to Modernity

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

46 A History ofMathematics




Icosahedron Dodecahedron
Fig. 3The five regular (‘Platonic’) solids.

By ‘the incommensurability of side and diagonal’, Beckett means the fact, mentioned in our
discussion of theMeno, that the ratio of a square’s diagonal to its side,

2, is not a fraction. But
his pub classicists most probably came across their story not in its Greek original source, but in
its popularization in the twentieth-century history of mathematics, the ‘secret’ or ‘scandal’ of the
irrationals. This story, in some more respectable form, is still widely believed. The basic ‘fact’ is that
Pythagoras founded a sect of initiates whose secret knowledge was at least partly mathematical.
He is said to have taught that ‘all is number’, where by number is meant whole number (1, 2,
3,...); and at the same time he or his sect attached religious/magical importance to the regular
solids (see Fig. 3).
However, you cannot construct the regular solids, at any rate those which involve pentagons,
without bringing in irrational ratios—see Appendix B. Both this, and the problem of the side and
the diagonal, suggest a difficulty or, to put it more strongly, a ‘scandal’ for Pythagoras’s supposed
programme; because if ‘all is number’, then the ratio of the side to the diagonal should be the ratio
of two numbers.
There are stories in various late writers that this was kept secret by the Pythagoreans (supposedly
because it was a problem, though this is not explicitly stated), and that the secrecy was broken.
Iamblichus, a commentator of the late third centuryce(seven centuries after the events), refers
to Hippasos of Metapontum as a member of the Pythagoreans who was expelled and drowned at
sea (or some similar fate) for revealing a secret—in one version, the construction of one of the
solids, and in another, the nature of the rational and irrational. How far you accept this story, as
Beckett’s characters did, depends on your estimate of Iamblichus as a source, and he does not go
out of his way to inspire confidence. The next step for twentieth-century historians was to deduce
that the secret or scandalous nature of the irrationals for the Pythagoreans extended to the Greek
mathematical community in general; and that this accounted for their avoidance of measurement.
The definitive version of this story was due to Hasse and Scholz in the 1920s. Speaking of a ‘crisis
of foundations’ for Greek mathematics, they used it to explain Euclid’s use of proportions:
Given that the Greeks were born geometers, as they are usually held to be, it must be concluded with certainty that
after such a foundational crisis they needed to construct a purely geometric mathematics. In such a mathematics we
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