100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

CuDcre,",ts, S,eam rr.wlcrs hod .Ire.dy begun
to replacc sm.llc, fishing c",ft, but lIome'
pc,sjstcd in ,<'Co,ding ,he old w"ys "nd
,,,,,li,i,,,,,,1 skills, "s in il/mding Ib, "',,',
He "1(JI',,1 'n Prout N<'Cl, ", .. inc, "ftL,. hi<
,"'W'n nl New Yon, It 1 "-""",,, his home 6" the
,"" of hi< life, "I"''' &,." ",,,rung h<J~d,,}s un
'he NL'w England e,",s~ in the Adirond.cks "nd
Quebec, "nd .he wint,,., th .. he 'P"''' in w"n"'"
dim"', II,."", I",in",d .he SC3 .nd its I""JI~e
"1"'''''llr until. firnDr, hi: omi'tt:d I"-"I~e Jtl
f.",ut of the ,""ness of the , JCc:I n .Ione,

Sh~rk Fishing (/885)
H()m" "'ar "'" Am"ica', fmt >p<ning ani" 1m, b, did kc",", mart" </
Ik gmr',jusr "'bm tk ni",,,,,,,b.CnIruty tburro' </ ,b, J1ibJim,
/",,,kap' "' .... rramform,d irlta tb, gr,a' outdoon and rk ~kaur </
manly mi'P"m,'
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