100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1 290(')


1 125(')


1111 _12

I H7_J9



B()rn in Sima,
ywngt'r brotlm-of
til< aniIT PinTo

R«(Kdd a, Iit-ing
in Sima

PainlJ fr=-fo.-
cbap'" hou" ofS.
Fmn",,", Si"'a

Enurr tb, ,,,,ild
at FIorrn"

Paintf fr'xot!, in
,b, Pala=o
Public. QtSima

Oi""f tb, pJagl«
in Sima

The Life of S.int Nichol. s ofB~ri
(d"ail) (c.lJJ])
AI hirbop of Myra, S, NidNJla, if ,bot:.",
"" .. ing tb, "",,,,from f"min. by mira"""""'y
Jryingand mllltiplying ,b, filCh oft:.·bw ,bat
blMl fall", in'" tb, ""


he,e an: k w hard IiIcrs a,~ibhlc aoollt
Amb"'gio L""nz<~ti. It " "".<\, liLdJ'
that he ","", a p"pil of Duccio. n'gnher
with h" (~(k:, hrn,ho::, PiL~"': and ho:: is Imown n,
ha,,: I" id "' Ic,,,, twO cxt{"["hl ,·"its to ]o1o",r'I<'t:
fi-,. " h" "JIl>l: in Sic",. lIe ".,,, dearly fa",iliar
no' only "i,h the worl of Giono but al<o:) thot of
G iono's 1·1orcnt;"" ,u"""-,,,<,rS; and he is I""bol~y
""Iu"ihle~" ""min Sic""", inilu<"Iltt:s on ,ho::
an of I~on:n,". I'.nirularly in the a"'" of ,.,,,11
de",, ;onall';""''''''
Both Arnh<ogio and I'ictto n:nd towards
narrH;"e ra,hc' th.n deco",,;,e wor k: and
Amh"'gio -'he mOre in"m,i", of thc twO _ is

he,,_known ~" his fi-cs<x>l:s in ,he grand council
chamber of Sim •. dealing with thm,cs of W)(. l
and h.d w""rnmmt and 'heir cfkcrs on b"th
urbon and rural life. II" delightful srenes an:
{"[am">l:d with inci(k:nt .nd an:hitcctural d<~ail.
T hey an: 'he frr" p'norlmic "icws (}If town and
cou"t'Y sin"" das.ieal times. and dernln"rlte
tho:: n:""rbhle cunt",l of Str""OJn:. 'I"ce and
(~st:l.""e achie",d in I tI ~a n p.inting a' this time.
",·ith Ambrogio:lS an ad"an,,,d "1:1"{"[.
·ll..:: L,n:nz<:tti ho::othcrs to,th died in thc
gr .... J, plague of] 348. which killo::d two ... thi,ds (}If
tho:: 1 "1,uhtion of Sien •. indu(ling • g",at many
of 'hc c()nrr,~ling a"s"){"["1<)·.

The Effects ofGoooJ Go..-crnm<:nt in the City (J."'if) (/117_ J9)
Thi, d,,,,il a/fortb a g/im!= "f "JI!ryd", lift in " t:."/I_g",·,",,d city. !II", Qnd
tr"m'" rid, about on m,-,,/mck, a ,bop IT/nub op'" fllr In"i",,, and il1l
i"'''-''''ng p"rrion oftb, t"",n armi,,,,,,,", ;, r,,·,al,d, fiJI oflmttkmmtJ and
boleoni,,-Althougb Sin'" ri:",g,d Flo,,,,,, in pr"'P"ity at til< tim, of
p"iming, it i, prolmbly an jdroliud "prumt.,illil to eontr"" ,;:im tb, '/mJ
g",""m",,,,' jr.Jro in tb, """' cba"br. ,botring a dty d"'a"""d by f"m'n.
and mlln<Ut"r fallingfr.-'Il< 'ry
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