100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


'I",.kcr, held le.ching ],ostS in ,·",iou,
in"i,u,;ons and ,,",-< ",ad" • Cuntor ..
the 1("",lin.
Rut beyond the "arly 19!0s. the StotC
tighten,,] its grip and dccn:cd ,hat the artS
should glorify 1'(~itic.1 and s<>cial ideals.
01"",,,,,,<1 and marginaliz.cd ",Cn arrested
,\hb'ich w.tch"J ""hi!c Stllin il11l. ,,,,d
Socialist Realism In 1931. nd I"nishcd
independent .n l1l(lll'I11CnlS fro", wh., h.d
bttn the world's ""-,,, I'"JgrCSS;'" country ~"
11". lern "I",,,,,, an.

SUl'rcnutist Compositio n (/9/5)
An ''''''1/pI, of rb, m-aigbtfort'ard ",mbinat;'" of g",,,,n,-icai <i<,"",,,
,ba' ,ual" .. icb pain"d ;"t1:.'"'' til< um',iling ./Sup,u",,,j,," in 191 j
and lb. 'Wbi"an Wbi,,' ,.,.j" <! 1917_18. /f,ba,imnx/tI"d ",!<JUT; a
ud 'nangk a/'P"'rT, rwangl" hroJ,", 'rap'''''''''' and ,b". j'Itrong
',"ph",;,." ,b, diaf!f'rIIll
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