100 Great Artists

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


1901 -06

190 6-- 14

1914-1 8

1 910,

1919 -4f

1947 -4 9






&m in Malaga.
.... if a m-Il,;.'ing

Bar"/(6/Q and
Pari;, finally
,,,,I,, in Pari"
'8/", and 'R",,'

Pain" Lcs
(1906). ;\tun-
Bra,!"', Tbry
;m-mt Cubi"" Il1Id
pion_ ,"Ollf{'

min' ,;:i,b
Comilll, Sari. and

n;'"h aT J<uJpror,
';.'1';", in J1lt"Hillin
rry/., Painrr
&hihi,j"", 1917

In Prana for
WIVIJ ,;:ifb
Saba"h, Do,-a
Maar, I","
han!";" Gii<J,

Birth of ,.m
Gawk and
dnugb",. Palo",",
hoih by Gil""
JIM, IlJ «",mi""

;\I"" J«II'"I;",


MarTi,s Raqt",
iII"tI'f'" ,\l()Uyjm

lDm,., """

OJ,, al MOllgim

FC1tI~le Figure ~t ~ T~l>le (1912) by Umber", 1I("",;on;
UmMrro Boca",,; (/ S82~1916), Il found ... "ftb. F utllrist ,""""""", f"" '""
PiCiIDa 'brougb Sr.."",,,; in Pari" in 191 1. Th< dialog'" hm::«11 Mil""",
Fururi,m arid Pariria" Cubi,m trllJ fruitful Bomoni ";'",,-ivd PiCIlfJU'r
,,,Imi,!'" if filJingfigllT' and barl:gro,md, di''''hing fradi,imal p<nproi:~
and muing ,,,' "ronnJ moo,oing. Pi,,,,,,,', p<K'nlj, I); nid_ 1 kn'y
KahnwLik-r te...-a major injl"''''a

, E aCh ,ime I had "",,,,,hing to say,
soid it in 'he "~y I felt was 'igh~
Difl"rtL..,' motifs drtmnd difl", ... .."
,echniques, This does not imply eithe,
e,,,IUlion or Il<ogrt:s< bUl an '1"'0"] Letwe"" the
ide; th" Ufle dcsin:s n, exp,ess and the "",anS of
eXl'rcssing it.' Pahlo I'ic;s",'s words ""I"es<
wh" ",any _ ho,h cri,ics ' ,nd admirers -find so
clusi,'e and capricious ahou, him, l Ie ne,'er
'<b"lol'cd' in a SO tis~'ing linea' I'mgr""si"., o r
s'a)'cd within a s'}'lc Ufl"" it h.d e,'ol,'cd,
I"-,,ea(l, as One an historian wrO'C, he was like,
spider 'who sits wa,ching in ,he <'m,re of a
web."fmm ti",e '0 time he l)()Un""s .nd ,he

di reetion of his I"Junce is usually
unl'n:(~ct:tl~e', PiC".lS<o's ,''''''urCS into c ....... mics,
scull"u", and printm.king wrte all unfailingly
inwn,i,'e; in !itet, f,oo" 'he I'.inting of L"
1)"",6Uo,S d:4"g",m oo>ward, ,irru.llr no aniSt
could <:'""'1''' his inn""n"",
La,er on, Pic;s"J "fcr''''] to .. " histo,y,
cte;ting "!ria,ions Ofl carlirt m .. "ets' worb
,hrough a ,'a,iety elf "",(lia: prints, dro"'ing< and
I"iming<, A prime cx:t,,~,le is the S<"tics LA,
MmiTlllJ, ]>iC:iSSO oft"" ,urned '0 a 'I'ecific w(lrk
bee;u", he id""'ified with it I""sonally .nd, .. a
SI"nish anist, he had .I",,)'s felt pnJ~Jund tics
",ith E I GrCf:O, Vcl'''luez and GOJ'"
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