A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

974 Ch. 24 • The Elusive Search for Stability in the 1920s

Map 24.3 Mandates Under The League Of Nations German colonies

became mandates of the League of Nations and administered by Allied powers

after the Great War.

Jewish state. Once the war ended, the promises disappeared at Versailles.
Britain established mandates over Trans-Jordan (which would later become
Jordan), as well as over Iraq (which became nominally independent in
1932) and Palestine, each of which was ruled by a viceroy responsible to
the colonial office in London. Britain maintained informal control over
Egypt through the sultan and Egyptian ministers and the Suez Canal even
after nominal Egyptian independence in 1922. Following an agreement
made in 1916 between Britain and France, the French also established a
mandate over Lebanon and Syria, where troops put down a revolt in 1925­


But the British government could no longer put aside the challenge of
the Irish movement for independence. The imposition of military conscrip­
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