For the second time in just twenty-five years, a European con
flict became a world war. It would be even more devastating than World
War I, wreaking destruction on a global scale. Germany’s invasion of
Poland on September 1, 1939, like its invasion of Belgium in 1914, started
a chain reaction that brought the world powers into the conflict. The
Soviet Union occupied eastern Poland, Finland, and the Baltic states of
Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Japan joined Germany and Italy, and the
United States entered the war on the side of Great Britain and the free
French government exiled in London. Following Germany’s invasion of the
Soviet Union in June 1941, the Communist state became an ally of Britain
and the United States.
The Second World War was the first in which civilian populations became
systematic, strategic targets. Beginning with the invasion of Poland, Ger
many used genocide both as an instrument of war and as an end in itself.
More than 6 million Jews perished in Europe during World War II, most in
German death camps. The technology of warfare developed rapidly; exist
ing weapons w'ere perfected, and by the end of the war, the atomic bomb, a
terrible new weapon, had taken a terrible toll on human life. When the
war ended in 1945, Europe seemed to be entering an even more threaten
ing era. Unlike at the end of World War I in 1918, few people imagined
that World War II would be the “war to end all wars.”
The Coming of World War II
Determined to achieve his territorial goals and willing to go to war if nec
essary to do so, Adolph Hitler in 1936 allied with Italy and Japan. He sent
German troops into Austria in 1938 and then Czechoslovakia a year later,
believing that Great Britain and France would not resist, but prepared to
go to war if they did so. Finally, Germany and the Soviet Union astonished
the world in August 1939 by signing a mutual nonaggression pact. This
cleared the way for Hitler to launch a murderous attack on Poland. That
pact included a secret agreement by which Germany and the Soviet Union