A-8 Further Readings
Jonathan I. Israel, The Dutch Republic: Its Risey Greatness, and Fall, 1477
1806 (1995).
J. R. Jones, The Revolution of 1688 in England (1972).
Anna Keay, The Magnificent Monarch: Charles II and the Ceremonies of Power
Mark Kishlansky, A Monarchy Transformed: Britain, 1603—1714 (1996).
Mark Knights, Representation and Misrepresentation in Later Stuart Britain:
Partisanship and Political Culture (2005).
Peter Laslett, The World We Have Lost: England before the Industrial Age (1983).
Brian P. Levack, The Formation of the British State: England, Scotland, and
the Union, 1603-1707 (1987).
John Morrill, The Revolt of the Provinces: Conservatism and Revolution in the
English Civil Wary 1630-1650 (1980).
Geoffrey Parker, The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road, 1567-1659 (1972).
Steven C. Pincus, 1688: The First Modern Revolution (2009).
Maarten Prak, The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century (2005).
J. L. Price, Culture and Society in the Dutch Republic during the Seventeenth
Century (1974).
Simon Schama, An Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Cul
ture in the Golden Age (1988).
J. A. Sharpe, Early Modern England: A Social History; 1550—1760 (1990).
Kevin Sharpe, The Personal Rule of Charles I (1995).
Lawrence Stone, The Causes of the English Revolution, 1629-1642 (1990).
David Underdown, Fire from Heaven: Life in an English Town in the Seven
teenth Century (1992).
, Revely Riot, and Rebellion: Popular Politics and Culture in England,
1603-1660 (1985).
Keith Wrightson, Earthly Necessities: Economic Lives in Early Modern Britain
, English Society, 1550-1760 (1982).
Chapter 7. The Age of Absolutism, 1650-1720
Perry Anderson, Lineages of the Absolutist State (1974).
William Beik, Absolutism and Society in Seventeenth-Century France: State
Power and Provincial Aristocracy in Languedoc (1985).
Joseph Bergin, Cardinal Richelieu: Power and the Pursuit of Wealth (1985).
Paul Bushkovitch, Peter the Great (2001).
James B. Collins, The State in Early Modern France (2001).
J. H. Elliott, Richelieu and Olivares (1984).
Richard J. Evans, The Making of the Habsburg Empire, 1550—1770 (1979).
Pierre Goubert, Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen (1972).
Ragnhild Hatton, Europe in the Age of Louis XIV (1979).
Lindsey Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great, 1682-1725 (1998).
Sharon Kettering, French Society- 1589-1715 (2001).
Robert Mandrou, Introduction to Modern France, 1500-1640 (1975).
Roland Mousnier, Peasant Uprisings in Seventeenth-Century France, Russia,
and China (1970).
David Parker, The Making of French Absolutism (1983).