A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), Congress of
(1818), 576
abandonment of babies, 61
Abdul-Hamid II, sultan of Ottoman Empire,
abortion, 1178
Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 1045
Absinthe, L' (Degas), 803, 804
absolutism, 242-83, 433
in Enlightenment, 336-43
religion and, 249—51
sources of, 243
state structures and, 247
theories of, 243-45
warfare and, 247-49
see also monarchies
abstract painting, 817
Abu Ghraib, 1237
Abyssinia (Ethiopia), 660, 830, 832,
1033-34, 1033, 1171
Academy of Dijon, 323
Academy of Painting and Sculpture (France),
Academy of Science, Royal (France), 304,
305, 305, 307, 315, 316, 334, 756
Acheson, Dean, 1123
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(AIDS), 1233
Act in Restraint of Appeals (England; 1533),
Action Fran^aise, 740
Act of Corporation (England; 1661), 226
Act of Settlement (England; 1652), 222
Act of Succession (England; 1534), 113
Act of Succession (England; 1701), 390
Act of Supremacy (England; 1534), 113
Act of Supremacy (England; 1559), 184
Act of Uniformity (England; 1559), 184
Act of Uniformity (England; 1662), 226
Act of Union (Great Britain; 1707), 390
Adams, John, 415
Addis Ababa, Treaty of (1896), 830
Adenauer, Konrad, 1130—31
Adler, Victor, 888
Adoration of the Magi, The (Masaccio), 65,
Adowa, Battle of (1896), 660, 830
Adrianople, Treaty of (1829), 591
Adventures of Joseph Andrews, The (Field
ing), 382
Aeneid (Virgil), 58
Afghanistan, 589, 691, 713, 720, 857, 871,
873, 874
Soviet invasion of (1979), 1160, 1176,
1195, 1196
colonies in, 388-89, 819-35, 844,
847-52, 855, 856, 856, 871
independence movements in, 1107, 1156,
1167, 1168-75
trade with, 42, 388-89
African Institution, 419
Against the Murdering, Thieving Hordes of
Peasants (Luther), 97
Agrarian Party (Czechoslovakia), 1016
Agreement of the People (England; 1647),221-22
biological exchange and, 40
collectivization of, 1036-38, 1133, 1134,
1135, 1152
Economic Community and, 1226
in eighteenth century, 360-63, 381
in European colonies, 846-47
festivals based on, 18
in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,
13-16, IS, 18, 174
grain trade and, 344
Great Depression and, 994-95
Green Revolution in, 1125