A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-38 Index

Bonaparte atArcole (Gros), 480

Bonapartist party (France), 726

Boniface VIII, pope, 86

Bon Marche, 778

bookkeeping, 3, 21

Book of Common Prayer, 184, 214, 226

Bordeaux, duke of (count of Chambord),

594, 726, 734-35

Borgia family, 75, 76

Boris 111, king of Bulgaria, 972, 1079

Bosnia, 250, 426, 675, 681, 866, 868, 869,

970, 1107

civil war in, 1177, 1209, 1210-13, 1211,


crisis of 1908 in, 878-79

Muslims in, 1210-13,1211

see also Herzegovina; Yugoslavia

Bossuet, Jacques, 244

Boston, 196

Boston Massacre (1770), 415,4/6

Boston Tea Party (1773), 416

Boswell, James, 366

Botticelli, Sandro, 55, 78-79

Boulanger, Georges, 736-38, 738

Boulanger Affair (1889), 736-38

Boulton, Matthew, 371

Bourbon, Antoine of, 134

Bourbon, Gharles of, 134, 135, 136-37

Bourbon family, 127, 130, 134, 186

bourgeois/bourgeoisie, 355, 437, 474,

477-78, 533-38, 540, 544, 567, 570,

579, 585, 597, 627, 715, 719, 726,

740, 789, 812, 939, 1036, 1039, 1040

see also middle classes

Bourgeois Gentilhomme, The (Moliere), 258

Bourgogne, due de, 280

Bouvier, Jeanne, 742

Bove, Jose, 1232

Boxer Rebellion (1898-1900), 840-41, 841,


boxing, 780

Boycott, Charles Cunningham, 700

Boy Scouts, 781, 781

Brahe, Tycho, 293-94, 294

Bramante, Donato, 72

Brandenburg, 152, 154, 358, 363, 621

Brandenburg-Prussia, see Prussia

Brandt, Willy, 1181

Braque, Georges, 817

Braun, Eva, 1100

Brazil, 37,41,240, 762, 822

trade and commerce in, 388, 389

Brazza, Savorgnan de, 828

“Break of Day in the Trenches” (Rosenberg),


Brecht, Bertolt, 1132

Breitenfeld, Battle of (1631), 154

Bremen, 158, 575

Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918), 917, 945, 951

Breton, Andre, 991, 1078

Brezhnev, Leonid, 1158-59, 1190, 1191,

1 193, 1 194

Brezhnev Doctrine, 1190, 1 196

Bright, John, 611,695

Brissot, Jacques-Pierre, 457

Britain, Battle of (1940), 1063-65, 1064

British Commonwealth, 973

British Empire, 190, 204, 225-26, 240, 241,

248-49, 281,285, 376, 386, 388,

390, 401,405,417,419, 703,

821-23, 822, 823, 824, 825-28, 826,

827, 829, 830, 832-41, 836, 845,

848-49, 849, 855-59, 865, 871-72,

873-74, 1051-52, 1106, 1127

administration of, 848-51

American independence from, 412,

414-19, 423,430, 438, 478

Chinese concessions and, 836, 840

decolonization of, 1 106, 1156, 1160,

1161-64, 1171-74

education in, 838

exploration and conquests of, 40, 73

nationalism in, 975

opposition to, 858

in post-World War I settlement, 967-68,


slavery in, 609, 853

tariffs in, 749, 854

taxes in, 415

World War II and, 1097, 1098

see also India

British Medical Society, 536

Brittany, 27, 76

Bronstein, Lev Davidovich, see Trotsky, Leon

Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky), 706

Brougham, Henry Lord, 546

Brown, Gordon, 1183

Broz, Josip, see Tito

Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder, 13, 120, 120

Brunelleschi, Filippo, 63

Bruno, Giordano, 287

Brunswick, 604

Brunswick Manifesto (1792), 460

Brussels, Pact of (1948), 1115

bubonic plague (Black Death), 4, 12, 18-19,

40,42, 46, 160, 166

Bucharest, Peace of (1913), 880

Buckingham, George Villiers, duke of,

209-10, 212, 213

Budapest, 578, 578

Buffon, Georges-Lou is, 314, 3/4, 315, 321,


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