A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-45
Day of the Barricades (1588), 135
Dayton Peace Agreement, 1211, 1212
D-Day, see Normandy invasion (1944)
Dead Christ, The (Mantegna), 69, 69
Deak, Ferencz, 679
death camps, see concentration/extermination
Death of Marat, The (David), 466
Debussy, Claude, 813
Decembrist revolt, 591-93, 592, 705, 708
Declaration of Independence (U.S.; 1776),
417, 448, 631
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citi
zen (France; 1789), 447, 448, 451,
458, 631, 1114
Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of
Russia (Russia), 953
Declaration of the Rights of the Toiling and
Exploited People (Russia; 1918), 945
Declaratory Act (Great Britain; 1766), 415
Decline of the West, The (Spengler), 1012
decolonization, 1106, 1147, 1160-75, 1172,
deductive reasoning, 298-99
Defenestration of Prague (1618), 126, 149,
Defoe, Daniel, 367, 379
Degas, Edgar, 803, 804
de Gaulle, Charles, 1062, 1084, 1089-90,
1095, 1111, 1128, 1128, 1129, 1226
Fifth Republic founded by, 1170
French mission as seen by, 1170-71
May 1968 protests and, 1178-80
Degrelle, Leon, 1019
Dejeuner sur Vherbe (Manet), 802, 803
Delacroix, Eugene, 590, 591, 597
Delcasse, Theophile, 872
Delors, Jacques, 1228
Democratic Party (Albania), 1205, 1206
Democratic Party (Germany), 958
Democratic-Socialists (France), 638, 733
Democratic Union (Poland), 1197
Demoiselles dIAvignon, Les (Picasso), 816, 817
Denmark, 270, 271, 276, 278, 1225
agriculture in, 363, 1125
American Revolution and, 418
in Danish-Prussian War of 1864, 664-66,
666, 679
education in, 775
1848 unrest in, 613
eighteenth-century nationalism in, 345
as emerging state, 18
in European organizations, 1226, 1227,
inter-war politics in, 993
monarchy of, 246
in NATO, 1115
nobles of, 246, 380
overseas trade of, 418
peasants in, 358
population growth in, 516
post-World War II politics in, 1130
Reformation in, 100
as social democracy, 982
Struensee’s reform movement in, 424
in Thirty Years’ War, 151 -52
and War of the Austrian Succession, 395
welfare state in, 1126, 1184
in World War II, 1057, 1061, 1075,
department stores, 743, 778-79
depressions, economic, in late nineteenth
century, 744-45
see also Great Depression
Deroin, Jeanne, 639
Descartes, Rene, 298-99, 299, 303-4, 306,
detention camps, 1174, 1237
see also concentration/extermination camps
Dettingen, Battle of (1743), 395
Dewey, George, 841
Diaghilev, Serge, 811,811
Dialogue Concerning Two World Systems
Ptolemaic and Copemican (Galileo),
diamonds, in South Africa, 832, 855
Diana, princess of Wales, 1182
Dias, Bartholomew, 36
Dickens, Charles, 541, 553
dictatorship, in inter-war period, 993
dictatorship, in the inter-war period, 1001
Diderot, Denis, 316-17, 317, 320-23, 321,
322, 328, 335-36, 337, 343, 344, 348
Dien Bien Phu, Battle of (1954), 1167,1168,
Diesel, Rudolf, 753
Diet of Speyer (1526), 100
Diet of Speyer (1529), 106
Diet of Worms, 95
Diggers, 221
Diplomatic Revolution (1756), 394, 397-99
Directory, during French Revolution, 433,
470, 471-72, 472, 473, 480, 482, 495
Discourse on Method (Descartes), 298, 309
Discourse on the Arts and Sciences
(Rousseau), 324
disease, 6, 18-19, 33, 170, 516, 558, 805-6
bubonic plague, 4, 12, 18-19, 40, 42, 46,
160, 166
and conquest of Americas, 40, 42, 170, 196
disestablishment, of Church of England, 693,