A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-49
European Economic Community (EEC), 1123,
European Parliament, 1228, 1230
European Union (EU), 1 107, 1220, 1223,
1224, 1228-31, 1229, 1231, 1238-39
Evolutionary Socialism (Bernstein), 791
Exclusion Crisis (1678-1681), 227
Execution of Maximilian (Manet), 730
Exhibition of Degenerate Art (1937), 1027,
Exhibition of Disgrace, 1028
existentialism, 1 137
exploration and conquest, voyages of, 4, 5,
31, 35-43, 40
agriculture and, 40
Expressionist painting, 813, 990-91
Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden, The
(Masaccio), 68, 68
extermination camps, see concentration/
extermination camps
Fabian Society (Great Britain), 790
factories, 513-14, 5/4, 515, 753-54, 754, 788
see also Industrial Revolution; Industrial
Revolution, Second
Factory Act (Great Britain; 1833), 556
Factory Act (Great Britain; 1875), 785
Faisal II, king of Iraq, 1 167
Falange (Spain), 1043, 1045
Falkenhayn, Erich von, 906, 909
Falkland Islands, 896
Falkland Islands War, 1182
Falloux Law (France; 1850), 639
famine, 19, 342, 366
Fanon, Frantz, 1139
Farouk, king of Egypt, 1164
fascism, 993, 1000-1020, 1083
dynamics of, 1000-1020
in Eastern Europe, 1015-57
see also Italy, unified
Fashoda Affair, 830-32, 859
Fatherland Front (Austria), 1017
Faust (Goethe), 583
fauvist painting, 816
Favre, Jules, 732
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, 899
Feast of Herod,.The (Donatello), 69
February Patent (Austria; 1861), 679
February Revolution, see Russian Revolu
tions of 1917
Federal Diet (Bundestag); (German Confed
eration), 575
Fellini, Federico, 1139
feminism, 539, 566, 780, 781, 796-98,
1140, 1176
Fenians (Irish Republican Brotherhood), 700
Ferdinand, king of Aragon, 18, 35, 75,
172-73, 172, 175, 179, 180
Ferdinand I, emperor of Austria, 621-24,
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman emperor, 175, 176,
Ferdinand I, king of the Two Sicilies, 575,
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman emperor, 147,
148-50, 148, 152, 153-55
Ferdinand 11, king of the Two Sicilies, 613, 624
Ferdinand 111, Holy Roman emperor, 157,
Ferdinand VII, king of Spain, 500, 586-88,
589, 604
Ferrara, 50, 65, 74, 603
Ferrara, duke of, 49
Ferry, Jules, 736, 774
Ferry Laws (France; 1879-1881), 774
Festival of General Federation (France; 1790),
festivals, / 7, 18, 119-21, 218
feudalism, 11-13, 247, 448, 621
abolished in France, 448, 458, 476
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 503
Fielding, Henry, 382
Fiji Islands, 839
films, 755, 1 139
“Final Solution,” see Holocaust
financial institutions, merchant-bankers:
in eighteenth century, 372, 373-75
in expanding trade, 168-69
in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 3-4,
4, 29
in Italian Renaissance, 46
in medieval period, 18, 21,22
of Napoleonic France, 495
in Netherlands, 233, 248, 373
in nineteenth century, 527-28, 727-28,
749, 751
Finland, Finns, 277, 716, 917, 945, 948.
1057, 1195
and Congress of Vienna, 573
in European organizations, 1227, 1228
population growth in, 5/6
post-World War I independence, 969
post-World War II settlement and, 1112
Reformation in, 100
in World War II, 1060-61, 1060, 1067
firearms, 402-3
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 925
Five Glorious Davs (1848), 624
Flanders, 12, 16,21,22,25,46, 129, 158,
249, 279, 357, 362, 364, 476, 524,
arts in, 82-83, 122