A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-51

May 1968 protests in, 1176, 1178-79, 1180

Mexican intervention of, 729

middle classes in, 532, 534, 535-36, 537,

585, 596-97, 685, 801, 1000

migration to, 1018, 1030, 1222

military of, 1035, 1 169-71

in Moroccan Crisis of 1905, 873, 873

in Moroccan Crisis of 191 1, 673, 741, 879

National Block victory in, 980

nationalism in, 736-37, 879, 976, 1224

Nazi pre-war relations with, 1031,

1032-33, 1034, 1049, 1052-57

nobles and aristocrats in, 577, 594, 598,

725-27, 735

nuclear arsenal of, 1149, 1183-84

nuclear-energy program of, 1233

Opportunist republic in, 736

painting in, 799-800, 802-4

peasants in, 549, 638, 640

and Polish uprising of 1830-1831, 602, 603

Popular Front in, 1018-19, 1046, 1047

popular religion in, 777

population growth in, 515, 516, 517, 758,

759, 761, 1124

post-World War I conservatism in, 982

post-World War II economic conditions in,

1120, 1120, 1121, 1127, 1179-80,


post-World War 11 politics in, 1106,

1128-29, 1130, 1176, 1178, 1180,

1181, 1183

post-World War II settlement and, 1111,

1113, 1114

post-World War I settlement and, 969

in pre-World War I alliances, 647, 863-74,

878-79, 880

print media in, 566

prostitution in, 766

Radical republic in, 740-41

railroads in, 522, 728

reform movements in, 786, 787

religious decline of, 777-78

religious freedom in, 593-94

representative government in, 585,

593-98, 617, 618-19, 670, 685,

728-29, 730, 731

Revolution of 1830 in, 550, 594-98, 605,


Revolution of 1848 in, 614-19, 616,

626-28, 638-40

Rhineland occupied by, 960, 963, 964

Ruhr occupied by, 984, 986

Russian Revolution and, 936

Savoy and Nice annexed by, 617, 625,

653, 655, 668, 729

science in, 745-46

Second Empire, 725-34

Second Industrial Revolution in, 742, 745,

748, 749, 751, 761

slavery opposed by, 853

Soviet defense treaty with (1935), 1031

in Spanish Civil War, 1046-47

sports in, 779-80

strikes in, 1019

in Suez Canal Crisis, 1153, 1 164-67

syndicalism in, 795

tariffs in, 527, 529, 581, 736

taxes in, 495, 529, 593, 595, 619, 628

terrorism in, 1188, 1234

Third Republic, early, 685, 734-41

tourism in, 755, 1143

and Treaty of Paris, 571

Ultra-royalists in, 594

in United Nations, 1114

utopian socialism in, 617, 729

Versailles Treaty and, 956-58, 959-67,

964, 967

Vichy state in, 1081-82, 1084, 1089

voting rights in, 483, 508-9, 580, 593,

596, 616, 639, 640, 646, 696, 726,

735-36, 979, 1124

welfare state in, 1126

women in, 538, 553, 566, 617-19, 618,

627, 732, 734,911, 1140

workers in, 547, 556, 560, 561, 566, 616,

618-19, 626, 693, 742, 787, 911,

980, 1019

in World War I, 885, 888-92, 889, 891,

894-95, 896, 899, 903, 904-6, 909,

914-23,924, 926, 936

World War I, home front in, 897, 911,


World War I debts of, 984

in World War II, 1057-63, 1060, 1071,

1073, 1075, 1078, 1082, 1084-85,

1089-90, 1095-97, 1110

in World War I outbreak, 884-88

see also French Revolution; Napoleon, em­

peror of France

France, Old Regime:

absolutism in, see monarchy, French

agriculture in, 16, 360, 362, 437

American Revolution and, 417, 418, 423,

430, 438

arts in, 82, 251-52, 258, 330, 332

Austrian wars with, 100, 101, 107, 129,

252, 278-80, 281,427-28

British wars with, 280, 390, 394, 438

Catholic Church in, 31, 86-87, 88, 91,

107, 117, 124, 127-28, 142, 142,

249-50, 258-60, 309, 310, 336,

352-55, 420

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