A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-69

Lloyd George, David, 703, 798, 898, 903,

909, 917, 956, 960-63, 969, 973, 982

Lloyd’s of London, 225

Locarno, Treaty of (1925), 986, 1033, 1034

Locke, John, 230, 273, 303, 311, 314-15,

314, 324, 325,417, 793

Lodi, Battle of (1796), 481

Lodi, Peace of (1454), 74

Loggia dei Lanza, 45

Lollards, 88, 111

Lombardy, 46, 52, 281, 524, 531, 573, 577,

613, 624, 625, 626, 630, 636, 642,

650, 653, 654, 655,674

Lomenie de Brienne, Etienne-Charles de,

440, 441

London, 27, 542, 549, 550, 551, 767,


in World War I, 896

London, Treaty of (1827), 591

London, Treaty of (1913), 880

London, Treaty of (1915), 899

London General Strike (1926), 987-88, 988

London Merchant Adventurers, 170

London Protocol (1852), 666

London Workingmen’s Association for Bene­

fiting Politically, Socially, and Morally

the Useful Classes, 609

Lorraine, 157

French reacquisition of, 909, 922, 963

German annexation of, 668, 671, 732,

734, 737, 825, 865,867, 871

in World War I, 885

Louis XII, king of France, 75-76, 91, 175

Louis XIII, king of France, 143-45, 145, 151,

152, 154, 157, 160,252,255,259

Louis XIV, king of France, 158, 160, 240,

242, 244, 246,259, 263,271

absolutism of, 255-56

Charles IPs secret treaty with, 226-27,

240, 279

death of, 281-83

dynastic wars of, 277-83, 278

Edict of Nantes revoked by, 228-29, 259

and Fronde, 252-54, 441

Huguenots persecuted by, 259, 260

mercantilism under, 254-55

paintings of, 251-52, 251

as science patron, 302

Versailles built by, 251, 257-58, 257

and war of Spanish Succession, 280-81

Louis XIV style, 251

Louis XV, king of France, 280, 281, 323,

428, 436, 478

censorship by, 336

death of, 422

Jesuits expelled by, 339

legal reforms of, 346

Parlements’ conflicts with, 420, 421, 423

Louis XV style (rococo), 330-31, 330

Louis XVI, king of France, 422, 423, 439,

495, 508, 571

deposition and execution of, 460, 463,

463, 467, 596

in flight to Varennes, 435, 456

French Revolution and, 435, 436, 438-39,


Protestants granted rights by, 339

Louis XVII (pretender), 464, 473, 508

Louis XVIII, king of France (count of

Provence), 473, 579, 587, 593, 594

Charter promulgated by, 593

restoration of, 508, 509, 510, 571, 579

Louisiana Territory, 401, 488

Louis-Philippe, king of the French (duke of

Orleans), 550, 596, 597, 598, 613

and 1830 revolution, 596

and 1848 revolution, 616-17

Lourdes, 777-78, 777

Louvre palace, 251, 253

Lovett, William, 609

Low Countries:

population of, 20

towns in, 23

in World War II, 1062

see also Belgium; Luxembourg; Netherlands

Lower Palatinate, 146, 150, 158

Loyola, Ignatius of, 115-16

Loyseau, Charles, 141

Liibeck, 24, 95, 145, 575

Lubeck, Treaty of (1629), 1 52

Lucca, 50

Ludd, Ned, 560

Luddites, 560

Ludendorff, Erich, 901, 914, 920, 921

Ludwig I, king of Bavaria, 619

Lueger, Karl, 808

Lugard, Lord Frederick, 853

Lusitania, The, 914

Luther, Martin, 80-81, 81, 92-103, 93,

104, 108, 115, 118-19, 121, 124,

291, 588

background of, 92-93

Calvin compared with, 108, 109

excommunication of, 94

peasant revolts denounced by, 97-98

Lutherans, 81, 99, 107, 111, 114, 118, 119,

124, 146, 235,308, 485, 578

in East Germany, 1192

Enlightenment and, 326

science criticized by, 294

in Thirty Years’War, 147, 148, 152, 154,

157, 158, 160

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