A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-75
Nationality Law (Austria-Hungary; 1868),
nationalized industries, 1010
National Liberal Party (Germany), 668, 673
National Liberation Front (FLN) (Algeria),
1166, 1168-70
National Reform Union (Great Britain), 695
National Socialist German Workers’ Party
(Nazi Party; Germany), 1000, 1003,
1005, 1013-14, 1013, 1020-29
see also Germany, Nazi
National Socialist League (Netherlands), 1020
National Socialist (Nazi) Party:
of Austria, 1017, 1032, 1052
of Denmark, 1075
National Society (Great Britain), 546
National Union (Germany), 662
National Workshops (France), 618, 619, 626
Nations, Battle of the, or Battle of Leipzig
(1813), 507
Native Americans, 400
see also American Indians
NATO, see North Atlantic Treaty Organization
naturalism, 67, 68-69
Naval and Military Tournament (1880), 858
Naval League (Germany), 672, 872
Navarino, Battle of (1827), 591
Navarre, 87
navies, eighteenth-century, 403-4
Navigation Acts (England; 1651-1673), 226,
Nazi Party, see Germany, Nazi; National So
cialist German Workers’ Party; Na
tional Socialist (Nazi) Party
Necheyev, Sergei, 715
Necker, Jacques, 438-40, 441, 445, 446, 511
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1161
Nelson, Horatio, 482, 488
Nemours, Treaty of (1585), 135
neo-classicism, 123
Neo-Platonists, 66, 68
Netherlands, 262
agriculture in, 167, 234, 362, 363, 1125
American Revolution and, 418
arts in, 82-83,237-39, 241
Belgian independence from, 598-600
British wars with, 424
Catholics in, 236
censorship in, 335-36
cities of, 1142
colonization by, see Dutch Empire
and Congress of Vienna, 575
decline of, 239-41
dikes in, 237, 237
early economic conditions in, 233-35
1848 unrest in, 613
eighteenth-century political reform efforts
in, 424
in eighteenth-century rivalries, 386, 387
English alliance with, 240, 279
English wars with, 223, 224, 226, 240
Enlightenment in, 312
in European organizations, 1115, 1123,
1226, 1227
financial institutions of, 233, 249, 373
French Revolution and, 458, 463, 469,
472, 476, 477
in French wars of religion, 129
golden age of, 231-39
government in, 163, 208, 232—33, 241, 245
Huguenots in, 259
Industrial Revolution in, 524, 524
inter-war politics in, 993, 1019-20
Jews in, 235, 236
literacy in, 328, 329
literature of, 241
Louis XIV’s invasion of, 240
manufacturing in, 375
middle classes in, 209, 535
military of, 240, 248, 248, 402
Napoleonic Wars and, 495, 497, 502, 507,
nationalism in, 1224
nobles of, 198, 350, 375
Old Regime French wars with, 229, 240,
279, 280
overseas trade of, 73, 167, 169, 209, 226,
233, 234-35, 234, 373, 387, 388-89,
painting in, 237-39, 241
population growth in, 234, 364, 364, 516,
post-World War II economic conditions in,
1120, 1120, 1122
poverty in, 236
printing in, 34
Reformation in, 81, 111, 122
religion in, 235-37, 241
religious freedom in, 235-37, 241
representative government of, 163, 208,
245, 433
science in, 307
Spanish control of, 173, 176, 178, 231, 232
stadholder’s role in, 232-33
Swedish alliance with, 240
taxes in, 198, 202
textile manufacturing in, 73, 202, 240
in Thirty Years’War, 144, 151, 152, 157
towns in, 25
trade and commerce in, 22, 23, 24, 73,
190, 233, 234-35, 234, 236, 240-41,