A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-77

North German Confederation, 667-68

Northumberland, duke of, 182

Norway, 270, 1225

as emerging state, 18

in European organizations, 1227, 1228

inter-war politics in, 993

migration from, 552

in NATO, 1115

offshore oil of, 1145

population growth in, 516

as social democracy, 982

voting rights in, 979

in World War II, 1057, 1061, 1075, 1080

Norwegan Progress Party, 1225

notaries, 536

Nouvelle (New) France, French Canada,

389, 400-401

see also Canada

Novara, Battle of (1513), 32

Nova Scotia, 281,391

novels, 328

Novgorod, 268, 269

nuclear power, 1184, 1185, 1233

nuclear weapons, 1157

of France, 1148-49, 1183-84

opposition to, 1138, 1181

in post-Communist era, 1218

treaties on, 1156, 1159-60, 1195-96,

1218, 1236

in World War II, 1101, 1103

Nuremberg Laws (Germany; 1935), 1028

Nuremberg trials (1945), 1118

see also war crimes, Nazi

Nystadt, Treaty of (1721), 277, 282

OAS (Secret Army Organization; France),


Oates, Titus, 227

Oath of the Army after the Distribution of

Standards (David), 494

Obama, Barack, 1238

Occam, William of, 87, 90, 92

O'Connell, Daniel, 613

October Diploma (Austria; 1860), 678

Octoberists, 725

October Manifesto (Russian; 1905), 723, 725

October Revolution (1917), see Russian Rev­

olutions of 1917

October Revolution (1934), 1043

offices and titles, sale of, 29, 247

in Catholic Church, 91, 94

in England, 210, 217, 378

in France, 29, 138, 247, 249, 255, 256,

380, 437

Of the Law of Nature and Nations

(Pufendorf), 261

oil embargo (1973-1974), 1145-46, 1145,


Okinawa, 1100-1101

Old Age Pension Act (Great Britain; 1908),


Olivares, Gasde Guzman, duke of, 204-6

Olmiitz, humiliation of (1850), 636

Olympia (Manet), 802

Olympic Games, 780, 1195, 1234

Omdurman, Battle of (1898), 83/, 832

On Crimes and Punishment (Beccaria), 336

O’Neill, Hugh, 181

On Liberty (Mill), 546

On Oratory (Cicero), 56

On the Fabric of the Human Body (Vesalius),


On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 687

opera, 331, 584

Operation Barbarossa, 1068

opium, 806, 806, 835-36, 837, 853

Opium War, 835-36

Optics (Newton), 305

Orange Free State, 832, 834

Orders in Council (Great Britain; 1807), 499

Organic Articles (France), 484-85

Organization for European Economic Coop­

eration (OEEC), 1107, 1123

Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Coun­

tries (OPEC), 1145

Orientalism, 842

Orlando, Vittorio, 956, 960, 961, 982

Orleans, duke of, 441

Orphuls, Marcel, 1139

Orwell, George, 1046, 1136

Osborne judgment, 703, 704

O’Shea, Kitty, 700

Otto I, king of Greece, 591, 693

Ottoman Empire, 7-9, 8, 16, 74, 247, 270,

277, 278, 698, 711, 824, 827, 828,

856, 864, 868-69, 880, 968

Austrian wars with, 100-101, 178, 229,

263-64, 276, 425, 426-27

in Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, 879-80

collapse of, 967

Constantinople conquered by, 73, 250-51,

250, 290

in Crimean War, 689-92, 866

decline of, 425-27, 426, 427, 474, 690,

866, 875, 878

Egyptian conflict with (1840), 616

in eighteenth-century rivalries, 387

epidemics in, 364, 387

French Revolution and, 482

Greek uprising of 1770 against, 423

Greek uprising of 1821 against, 589-91,


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