A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
A-88 Index
Russia (continued)
in World War I, 884, 890, 896, 897-98,
901,902, 906, 908, 910, 914,
916-17, 922, 923, 931, 936, 945
World War 1 home front in, 897-98
in World War I outbreak, 881, 883, 884-88
see also Muscovy; Russian Revolutions of
1917; Soviet Union
Russia, post-Soviet, 1214, 1216, 1218, 1236
Russian Academy of Sciences, 307
Russian Civil War, 945-49, 946, 947, 949,
foreign intervention in, 966-67
White and Red terrors in, 945, 946,
948-49, 949
Russian language, 716
Russian Orthodox Church, 268, 270,
274-75, 339, 354, 359, 428, 532,
579, 690-91, 705, 707, 711,713,
716, 723, 749, 866, 938-39, 940
science and, 306, 308
Soviet Union and, 951, 953, 1040
Russian Revolution of 1905, 646, 721—25,
Russian Revolutions of 1917, 926, 927—28,
Civil War following, 945-49, 946, 947, 949
February, 916, 927, 932-35, 938, 942,
943, 949, 953
July Days in, 939-40
Lenin's return in, 939
October, 914, 916, 927-28, 941-45, 944
spread of, 936-39
World War I and, 923-33, 934, 936,
937-38, 939-40, 945, 951
Russo-Japanese War, 645-46, 719-21, 720,
722, 841, 872, 873, 874, 875, 928
Russo-Turkish War, 711, 717, 868
Rutherford, Ernest, 756, 756
Rwanda, 1238
Ryswick, Treaty of (1697), 279
S.A. (Sturmabteilungen; Nazi Germany),
1013, 1022, 1023-24
Saar Basin, 963, 964, 1030
Sadowa (Koniggratz), Battle of (1866), 667
Sahara Desert, 826, 859
Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572),
132, 133, 134, 185,212
St. Germain, Treaty of (1919), 967
Saint James Conference, 1114
Saint-Just, Louis Antoine, 466, 470
St. Peter's Basilica, 123
St. Petersburg, 276-77, 276
St. Petersburg demonstrations (1905), 721,
722, 932
Saint-Simon, Count Henri de, 564, 565-66
Saipan, 1100
Sakharov, Andrey, 1195
Salazar, Antonio, 1002, 1047, 1048, 1185
Salonika, 904
salons, in Enlightenment, 333-34, 334
SALT treaties, see Strategic Arms Limitation
Salvation Army, 688
Samoa, 839
Sand, George, 617
San Francisco Conference (1945), 1113-14
San Salvador, 35
sans-culottes, 455-56, 455, 461, 467, 492
San Stefano, Treaty of (1878), 711
Santa Lucia, 571
Santiago de Compostella, shrine of, 16
Santo Domingo, 571
Sao Tome, 847
Sardinia, 175, 423, 462, 463
see also Piedmont-Sardinia
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1137, 1138, 1169
Sassoon, Siegfried, 893, 913
Satie, Erik, 813
Saudi Arabia, 967
Savonarola, Girolamo, 75, 76
Savoy, 109, 157, 204, 508, 571
French annexation of, 625, 653, 655, 668,
Saxony, 97, 97, 101, 154, 155, 156, 157,
262, 265, 276, 279, 491, 529, 604,
619, 667
and Congress of Vienna, 573
Saxony, duke of, 258
Say, Jean-Baptiste, 537
Sazonov, Sergei, 880, 881, 883, 884, 887
Scandinavia, 19
migration from, 762, 762
Northmen in, 5
population of, 20
post World War II politics in, 1183
Reformation in, 81, 100, 124
women in, 1140
Scheidemann, Philip, 957, 958, 963
Schengen Agreement (1985), 1223
Schleicher, Kurt von, 1021
Schleswig-Holstein, 362, 664-66, 667
Schlieffen, Count Alfred von, 884, 885
Schlieffen Plan, 884-86, 887, 891, 891
Schmalkaldic League, 101
Schmerling, Anton von, 679
Schmidt, Helmut, 1181, 1226
scholasticism, 56-58, 59, 82, 84, 87, 93,
296, 299
Schonberg, Arnold, 813
Schroder, Gerhard, 1181