A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
War and the Second Revolution 465

Map 12.3 The Counter-Revolution The map indicates areas of federalism and

counter-revolutionary activity, including major uprisings.

Years’ War (1618-1648) in Central Europe. In insurrectionary areas during
1793-1794, perhaps a quarter of the population perished, as many as
250,000 people, in part because the revolutionary troops, facing guerilla
warfare, saw local civilians as potential threats.

The Terror

Faced with foreign invasion and civil insurgency, the Jacobins further cen­
tralized government authority and implemented the “Terror” against those
considered enemies of the Revolution. The Convention set aside a planned
Constitution of 1793 (which was to have replaced the Constitution of 1791).
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