Jeanne Bouvier was a peasant girl born in 1865 in southeastern
France. Her father earned his living by tilling the fields and as a barrel
maker, an occupation closely tied to wine production. But in 1876, disease
began to destroy the vineyards of the Rhone River Valley. Jeanne’s family
was forced to sell its land and possessions and travel to find work, pushed
along by poverty and unemployment. From age eleven to fourteen, Jeanne
worked thirteen hours a day in a silk mill. Four other jobs in various towns
and villages in her region followed until Jeanne’s mother took her to Paris,
where the first job she found lasted only a week. Like so many other single,
female migrants to city life, she then worked as a domestic servant. A
cousin showed her how to do hat-trimming work. When that trade col
lapsed because of changes in style and the economic depression, she
became a skilled dressmaker in a Parisian workshop and then developed
her own clientele. Jeanne Bouvier became a Parisian. When she returned
home to her native village, Jeanne spoke French, and not the patois in
which her old friends conversed. She had become an urban woman.
In 1900, the French Catholic writer Charles Peguy expressed the opin
ion that Europe had changed more in the previous thirty years than it had
since the time of Jesus Christ. The period 1870-1914 was indeed one of
rapid economic and social change in much of Europe. Rail networks
extended their reach into the countryside, carrying manufactured goods and
returning with meat, vegetables, fresh milk, and fruit for burgeoning cities.
The speed and capacity of steamships brought American cereal grains, cat
tle, and meat to Western European ports, reducing their prices.