Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide PDF

(Jeff_L) #1
Chapter 3: CharaCter OptiOns 107

the Tool Kit is used on the grounds of the Lyceum and is
not removed from its respective chamber (each tool kit is
magically marked and will sound an alarm if removed).
More dangerous kits and advanced crafts (such as use
of a Poisoner’s Kit, or the enchanting of a magical item)
might require staff supervision. You may also have access
to free crafting materials and enchanting tables, so long
as they are relatively inexpensive, or your argument for
them is convincing (up to the staff ’s approval and DM’s

suggested CharaCteristiCs

Use the tables for the Sage background in the PHB as
the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the
entries when appropriate to match your pursuits at the
Lyceum. Your bond is likely associated with your goals as
a student, and eventually a graduate. Your ideal probably
involves your hopes in using the knowledge you gain at
the Lyceum, and your travels as an adventurer, to tailor
the world to your liking.


Away from the complex political struggles of the massive
cities of Exandria, you’ve instead been raised to revere and
uphold the protection of the natural world, while policing,
bending, and guiding the elemental powers that either
foster life or destroy it. Living among smaller bands of
tribal societies means you have stronger ties to your neigh-
bors than most, and the protection of this way of life is of
cardinal importance. Each Ashari is tethered to one of the
four elemental tribes and their villages. You must select
one: The Pyrah (Fire), the Vesrah (Water), the Terrah
(Earth), or the Zephrah Ashari (Wind).
Your upbringing may have prepared you to be a fierce
warrior, trained in combat to defend your culture and
charge as protectors of the rifts. It’s possible your medita-
tion on the balance of the elements has brought you peace
of mind with strength of body as a monk of the Ashari.
Perhaps you found strength in bending the elements
yourself, joining the ranks of the powerful Ashari druids.
Regardless, your loyalties ultimately lie with the contin-
ued safety of your tribe, and you’ve set out to gather allies
to your cause and learn more about the world around you.

Skill Proficiencies: Nature, plus your choice of one
between Arcana or Survival.
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit
Languages: One of your choice.
Equipment: A staff, hunting gear (a shortbow with 20
arrows, or a hunting trap), a set of traveler’s clothes, a
belt pouch containing 10 gp.

fe ature: elemental har mon y

Your upbringing surrounded by such strong, wild elemen-
tal magics has attuned your senses to the very nature of
their chaotic forces, enabling you to subtly bend them to
your will in small amounts. You learn the prestidigitation

cantrip, but can only produce the extremely minor
effects below that involve the element of your chosen
Ashari tribe:

  • Zephr ah: You create an instantaneous puff of wind
    strong enough to blow papers off a desk, or mess up
    someone’s hair.

  • py r ah: You instantaneously create and control a burst
    of flame small enough to light or snuff out a candle, a
    torch, or a small campfire.

  • terr ah: You instantaneously create a small rock
    within your hand, no larger than a gold coin, that
    turns to dust after a minute.

  • veSr ah: You instantaneously create enough hot or cold
    water to fill a small glass.

suggested CharaCteristiCs
Use the tables for the Outlander background in the PHB
as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the
entries when appropriate to match your ties to your Ashari
upbringing. Your bond is likely associated with those you
respect who you grew up around. Your ideal probably
involves your wanting to understand your place in the
world, not just the tribe, and whether you feel your destiny
reaches beyond just watching the rift.

Recovered Cultist

Since the Divergence, the influence of the Betrayer Gods
was sealed away with the rest of the pantheon and a time
of religious rediscovery began anew. Through the small
net of the Divine Gate, however, the will of the darker
deities could still reach out, could still whisper and prom-
ise. The rising cults are scattered and separated, with little
to no unity between the greater evils. Hidden hierarchies
of power-hungry mortals corrupt and seduce, promising a
sliver of the same power they had been promised when the
time comes to reap their harvest.
You once belonged to such a cult. Perhaps it was brief,
embracing the rebellious spirit of youth and curious where
this path may take you. You also may have felt alone and
lost, this community offering a welcome you had been
subconsciously seeking. It’s possible you were raised from
the beginning to pray to the gods of shadow and death.
Then one day the veil was lifted and the cruel truth shook
your faith, sending you running from the false promises
and seeking redemption.
You have been freed from the bindings of these
dangerous philosophies, but few secret societies find
comfort until those who abandon their way are rotting
beneath the soil.
Skill Proficiencies: Religion and Deception.
Languages: One of your choice.
Equipment: Vestments and a holy symbol of your
previous cult, a set of common clothes, a belt pouch
containing 15 gp.
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