Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide PDF

(Jeff_L) #1

60 Chapter 2: Gazetteer of tal’Dorei

the MarKet WarD
The Market Ward is Westruun’s southwestern ward and
contains the majority of the city’s businesses, trade stands,
and production warehouses. It is currently in fashion for
store owners to live in a second story above their shops,
though less scrupulous businessfolk have turned their
residences into gambling dens, black markets, and illegal
brothels. The most significant building in this ward is the
World Market, a marble-walled auction house where hun-
dreds of vendors hawk rare and unusual items from across
Ta l ’ D or ei.

the UnDerWalK WarD
The Underwalk Ward is the city’s newest ward, an exten-
sion of the residential sprawl built from repurposed sections
of the sewer system. The Underwalk was initially built
during the invasion of the Chroma Conclave in hopes of
keeping the populace hidden, but it has now been largely
abandoned except for those either too poor to return even
to the Residential Ward, or by those humans and monsters
who would prefer to go unseen. Every day, new and unset-
tling rumors of many-headed monstrosities prowling the
Underwalk’s shadowed roads spread to the surface, keeping
even Westruun’s bravest mercenaries from exploring the
den of sorrow and evil beneath the city. The most well-
known entrance to this subterranean labyrinth is a single
inauspicious manhole in the Opal Ward, topped with a
metal cover emblazoned with the crest of Westruun.

the sUrv ivors’ leGac y
The names of all those in Westruun who survived the
reign of Kevdak and Umbrasyl are carved on a wall in
the first chamber of the Underwalk. This memorial was
created by Percival de Rolo when the people of Westruun
first hid here from the wrath of the Chroma Conclave
after Umbrasyl’s death, but it has been expanded in the
years since, now including the names of all who perished
in the struggle as well.
The Survivors’ Legacy is a symbol of hope, warding away
the sorrow and evil of the Underwalk beneath, and to this
day common folk make trips here to honor their lost loved
ones. Some of the more generous folk give aid to the home-
less living here as well, and some more adventurous travelers
make prayers to the Dawnfather and the Matron of Ravens
here before delving into the Underwalk’s deeper reaches.
Once per week, a character related to one of the people
named on the Survivor’s Legacy can pray there and gain
advantage on death saving throws for the next 24 hours.

yUMinor observatory
Westruun is a fairly flat city, and one tower on the edge of
the Scholar Ward looms high above the nearby Westhall
Academy. It looks forever skyward, the arcanists inside
constantly charting the movements of heavens. A qua-
si-religious order of diviners and astromancers named
the Scions of Yuminor study here, supported by the
Academy’s headmistress Estella Ladimar, herself a blood
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