90 Chapter 2: Gazetteer of tal’Dorei
Hundreds of tunnels run beneath Emon, the forgotten
remnants of paved-over neighborhoods and secret pas-
sageways made by thieves’ guilds during the reign of
Drassig. These tunnels are now home to the Clasp’s secret
headquarters, where all manner of thieves, killers, fences,
and spies are gathered underneath their banner. The Clasp
and its leaders are detailed on pg. 34.
Some petty criminals look up to the Clasp, committing
ambitious crimes in hopes of gaining the Spirelings’ atten-
tion. Though politicians and commoners alike are grateful
to the Clasp for their role in rebuilding their city, this
unsavory “auditioning” has once again soured their reputa-
tion among the city watch.
Geo Graphy anD Climate
Emon is not a tourist destination for its climate—the city
is more temperate and prone to rain showers than most—
but those who call it home swear they wouldn’t trade their
rain for all the sun in Kymal. The city is blessed with cool
summers and warm winters, thanks to its proximity to
the cool Ozmit Sea. Though snow rarely falls on the city
itself, it relies on springtime snowmelt from the Cliff keep
Mountains to fill its reservoirs throughout the year. Emon
is, in almost all senses, a city fated by water; were there
anyone powerful enough to starve its farms and reservoirs,
the city would be theirs.
abDar’s proMenaDe
Abdar’s Promenade is the open marketplace district and
massive bazaar that dominates eastern Emon. Named for
the legendary spicemonger from Marquet who helped
fund the construction of Emon, the name of Abdar is
synonymous with both generosity and business savvy.
Within the tents, carts, warehouses, and shops that
stretch for miles of intertwining roads, nearly everything
and anything you seek can be purchased, with the darker
pursuits leading to Clasp-run rackets that work beyond
the reach of the law. The Promenade is ever a whirlwind
of commerce and excess, with a vigilant patrol by the city
watch. Its most renowned establishments include the four-
story Laughing Lamia Inn, the metalworker’s paradise
called the Anvilgate, and the emporium of mystical riches
known as Gilmore’s Glorious Goods.
the centr al District
The Central District is the largest residential district
within Emon’s walls, housing most of the city’s merchant
class, including traveling traders, ship captains, and guild
apprentices. The district is a patchwork of thousands of
personal homes, tenements, and guildhalls of all shapes
and sizes, peppered with small taverns and inns on nearly
every street corner.
These neighborhoods lay clustered together among
tightly set streets, occasionally broken up by park grasses
or the Ozmit Waterways that snake through the region
between the promenade and the port. Visitors to the
Central District are advised not to go out at night; the
wide disparity of wealth from home to home here has seen
crime rise recently, and the city watch seems reluctant to
find a constructive solution. Residents who know the lay
of the land have an easier time at night and can help visi-
tors avoid the most dangerous streets.
the cloUDtop District
The Cloudtop District once stood as the height of luxury
and throne of the social elite, containing the Palace of the
Sovereign alongside the mansions of the various lords and
ladies of the city. An elevated port to arcane levitating
skyships called the Skyport platform—first port of its kind—
stands atop the Skyport tower. This symbol of advanced
magical technology is buttressed against a 100-foot-high wall
of shining white stone that encircles the district, a second line
of siege defense for the political leaders of Emon.
When the Chroma Conclave attacked the city, the
dragons focused their ire on the Cloudtop, flying over
the protective walls and leveling many of the ostentatious
homesteads, as well as collapsing the palace itself. Thor-
dak took the ruins here as his den, his presence bringing
volcanic change to the earth throughout the inner walls.
After Thordak’s defeat, the fires died down and grounds
of the district are being reclaimed. Reconstruction of the
palace is underway, and Council matters are currently
held within the Citrine Garrison, the hub of all large mil-
itary planning and action within the city.
the teMple District
The Temple District rests in the northern area of Emon,
a ward that fosters many great sanctuaries built to uphold
the worship of the city’s many dominant religions. Cathe-
drals to the Lawbearer and the Platinum Dragon stand
at apex among smaller temples to the Dawnfather, the
Stormlord, the Wildmother, and the Matron of Ravens.
Many poorer folk come here seeking shelter, while the
pious offer their services and energy to upholding the
tenets of their chosen deity.
Travelers and sailors come to leave tokens and gifts at
shrines to bless their journeys, while merchants seek the
graces of the Changebringer before a risky endeavor. The
meek search for wisdom in the great halls of the Knowing
Mistress as the artists and wistful folk give praise to the
Archeart. Not all folk are drawn toward nor trusting of
religion, however, and temples past have been exposed as
frauds, or worse, corrupting cells hidden in the service of
darker gods.
the erUDite qUarter
The Erudite Quarter acts as the center for higher educa-
tion and studious pursuits through not just the city, but
the realm of all Tal’Dorei. Beautiful towers stretch to the
sky across a cityscape of centuries-old halls of learning
and student boarding houses. Here, the finest schools
and colleges draw the wealthy, the gifted, and the bril-
liant. Academies of the arts socially duel with universities
of intellectual pursuits, all while overshadowed by the
Alabaster Lyceum, the largest and most accomplished
institute of arcane study on the continent.