waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1
many as three questions. He's never seen Ahmaergo's
chambers (areas Xl 1 and Xl2) but knows the rest of the
lair well.
ff the characters are looking for a way to mess w ith
Xanathar's operation, Thorvin suggests they coerce
Nar'I Xibrindas, the beholder's advisor (see area X18).
i nto giving them the large supply of smokepowder that
he smuggled i nto the dungeon. Thorvin also tells t hem
w here to plant the smokepowdcr to cause the most dam-
age (see "Destroy t he Lair," page 10 0).

This magically lit hall is concealed behi nd secret doors.
Tt circumvents the audience chamber (area Xl8) and
gently slopes down toward the east. Fi nding either se-
cret door requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Percep-
tion) check.

Characters at the top of these magically lit stairs can
hear loud music and raucous laughter boiling up from
below. The staircase descends 20 feet to area X28.

This room contains the following features:

Five bald shield dwarves, their heads covered w ith
purple eye tattoos, sit around the edge of a glowing
circle on the floor. Their eyes are scrunched shut, but
they are aware of their surroundings.


  • Protruding from the ceiling, directly above the circle,
    is a large, flaring bronze "bel l'' similar in shape to the
    mouth of a tuba.

  • Set into the back of a recessed wall is a secret door
    that leads to area X 17.
    Dwarves. The five tattooed dwarves operate Xana-
    thar's ''panopticus" magical surveillance system. They
    fight only in sel f-defense. They are apprentice wizards
    (see appendix 8), w ith these changes:

  • They are neutral.

  • They have these racial traits: Their walking speed is
    25 feet. They have advantage on saving throws against
    poison and resistance to poison damage. They have
    darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. They speak Com-
    mon and Dwarvish.
    Nihiloor the mind flayer has psychically and surgically
    altered the dwarves so that they sleep with ooe eye
    open and half their brains asleep at any time.
    Amplification Bell. The bronze bell is connected to
    a tube that runs through the stone and into the nearby
    audience chamber (area Xl8). The bell amplifies sounds
    underneath it and transmits those sounds to the audi-
    ence chamber.
    S crying Circle. A detect magic spell reveals an aura of
    divination magic around the circle, which the dwarves
    use to scry on various other locations within the dun-
    geon: the entrance hall (area X2). the arena (area X6).
    the antechamber of madness (area X23), the recreation
    hall (area X28), and the downstairs hall (area X32). One

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