waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

carving on the wall djscharges a green ray that the
character can dodge with a successful DC^16 Dexterity
saving throw. Jf the ray hits, the character appears to be
disintegrated but is actually teleported to area X34a or
X34b, depending on which button was pushed. Once a
button is pushed, it locks in place for J hour and can't
be pushed again untH that time elapses. A character can
forcibly reset a button by making a successful DC^20
Dexterity check using thieves' tools.

These crypts were built to hold the remains of two
wizards who lived in this dungeon complex long before
Xanathar took it over. Only one wizard is entombed
here, however. The fate of the other wizard is unknown.
Both chambers are encased in solid stone and brightly
lit by continual flame spells cast on wall sconces.
X34a. In the middle of this tomb rests a gold marble
sarcophagus, its lid carved in the likeness of a long-
haired human wizard who wears a robe adorned with
closed eyes. The sarcophagus can't be pried open or
damaged, but if a spell is cast within the tomb, the eyes
of the robe open all at once-an eerie yet harmless ef-
fect-and the lid slowly levitates into the air, revealing
the contents of the sarcophagus: a shriveled, inanimate
mummy wearing eyes of charming. After^1 minute,
the eyes on the lid close as it slowly sinks back dow:1,
resealing the sarcophagus until another spell is cast
within the tomb.
A character who dons the eyes of charming can see,
through its blue lenses, a blue metal tile shaped like a
four-pointed star on the west wall. The tile is invisible
otherwise, but can be found with a tactile search and a
s uccessful DC^17 Wisdom (Perception) check. When a
creature .ouches the tile, all creatures in the tomb are
instantly teleported to the arena (area X6).
X34b. This tomb is empty except for an iovisjble, blue
metal tile on the west wall. It functions identically to the
one in area X34a.


The continual flame spells that once lit this room
have been dispelled. Characters need light sources or
darkvision to see here. The room contains the follow-
ing features:

  • Two open crates rest agajnst the north wall.

  • A stone desk in the southwest corner is completely
    free of papers. The chair behind it is carved with a
    spider motif.

  • Bare stone bookshelves stand against the east wall.
    Crates. One crate contains fifty stuffed beholder dolls.
    The other contruns thirty onyx trophies (worth^25 gp
    each) depicting a smiling beholder being caressed by
    hands. The dolls and trophjes are among the prizes
    given to winners of Xanathar's combat tournaments.
    Desk. The chair behind the desk has a secret com-
    partment under its left armrest that can be found and
    opened with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
    check. This tiny compartment contains a small black
    key that unlocks both of the desk drawers. A character

can pick each lock with a successful DC^17 Dexterity
check using thieves' tools.
The first drawer holds Nar'l's spellbook, a sturdy
tome bound in black leather and wrapped in webbing. It
contfilns all the spells that Nar'l has prepared, plus the
sending spell.
The second drawer conta:ns a bag of holding that be·
longs tojarlaxle Baenre. Nar'I borrowed this magic item
and used it to smuggle kegs of smokepowder into Xana·
thar's lair (see area X36).
Secret Doors. A stone bookshelf in the southeast cor-
ner of this room rotates into the wall, revealing a secret
passage that cu:ves north. A character can find this se-
cret door with a successful DC^15 Wisdom (Perception)
check, or simply by pushing on the bookshelf.
A second secret door at the end of the curved hall can
be found without an ability check; it pulls open to reveal
a dark and dusty chamber (area X36) beyond.

This room has the following features:

  • The room is unlit and choked with dust and cobwebs.

  • Twenty kegs of smokepowder are neatly stacked in
    the middle of the room. Each keg has a paper label,
    written on which a re the words "SMOKEPOWDER! DO
    NOT OPEN!" in Common and Elvish.
    Neither Xanathar nor its loyal underlings know this
    room exjsts. When Nar'l found it, he asked to have the

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