waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

Madame Khyret is the personal attendant to Ammalia
Cassalanter and is the family's chief housemaid.
Madame Khyret dresses in a long black gown and
wears a headdress with black tassels. She is an aging
tiefling cult fanatic, and she spends most of her time in
the master sitting room (area C19).

Laiba Rosse, better known as "Nana," is the caretaker
and private tutor for Terenzio and Elzerina, and she
does her best to keep track of their every move. Even so,
the two often sneak away from her watchful eye.
Nana dresses in flowing red robes. She is a female
tiefling cult fanatic who relaxes in the twins' playroom
(area C17) when she's not with the children.

As the head chef of Cassalanter Villa,Jandar determines
each day's menu and oversees all activity in the kitchen.
jandar is a male tiefiing cult fanatic. He is often in the
kitchen (area ClO).

Facing the Cassalanters

Lord and Lady Cassalanter a re formidable spellcast-
ers and devoted to one another. ff one is assailed
within Cassalanter Villa. the other arrives as quickly
as possible.
A direct confrontation with the Cassalanters will likely
result in defeat for the characters, or- if the characters
and the Cassalanters both escape with their lives- their
arrest for assaulting nobility. The Cassalanters have no
desire to kill the characters, even in self-defense. They
take great pains to divide and s ubdue the party w ith
their magic while not inflicting grievous harm.
If the characters reduce Ammalia to 30 hit points or
fewer and Victoro is with her. he banishes her to safety
for a few brief moments while he continues fighting. lf
either Victoro or Ammalia is reduced to 30 hit points or
fewer and the other Cassalanter isn't present, they try to
negotiate with or bribe their assailants.
The Cassalanters don't fear being arrested, since they
have faith that their wealth, reputations, and contacts
will keep them out of prison. They do fear the ticking
clock of Founders' Day. They plead for the characters to
allow them to carry out their plan, if only to save Teren-
zio's and Elzerina's lives.

Killing or injuring the Cassalanters carries grave le-
gal consequences, but the characters can hinder the
Cassalanters by destroying or stealing Ammalia's stash
of midnight tears poison (area C22), destroying the
statue of Asmodeus in the temple (area A7), or keeping
Lord Neverember's gold out of their clutches.

If the Cassalanters are the main villains, the characters
might come to their viila if their search for the Stone of
Golorr or the Vault of Dragons hits a dead end. Victoro

Cassalanter keeps information related to his own search
for the stone and the Vault of Dragons in his office
(area C6).

Cassalanter Villa

When the characters first come near the gates of Cas-
salanter Villa, read or paraphrase the following:

Cassalanter Villa's stark white walls and gleaming crim-
son roof and turrets stand out even among the other
opulent estates of the Sea Ward. A three-story mansion
lies in the midst of picturesque green gardens dappled
with hedges and water features. The estate is surrounded
by a tall white brick wall, with a single wrought-iron gate
as an entrance. The Cassalanter family crest-a green Y
overlapping a stylized goose being fed-is emblazoned
on the gate, and armored guards stand at attention on
either side.

Cassalanter Villa is an extravagant manse with dozens
of lavish chambers for the masters of the house and
their guests-but its splendor belies the terrible secret
it holds. The temple of Siamorphe that once Jay beneath
the estate has been desecrated by Victoro and Amma-
lia's devil-worship. Now, this great chapel is dedicated to
the Lord of the Nine Hells.

The grounds of the Cassalanters' estate are patrolled
by hired guards. Two of them stand outside the gate of
the estate, two more stand outside the front door of the
house, and a total of six patrol the grounds at any time.
These guards are humans and are outfitted in livery that
bears the crest of House Cassalanter.
The house is surrounded by a well-manicured lawn.
A cobblestone path leads from the estate's exterior gate
to both the front entrance (area Cl) and the entrance
to the coach house (area CHl). The villa's grounds
feature numerous deciduous trees and meticulously
tended gardens.

Characters who try to infiltrate Cassalanter Villa are
more likely to be arrested than to be killed. The security
detail around Cassalanter Villa is meant to raise an
a larm and deter petty thieves, not to stop determined
adventurers. If the guards spot an intruder, they do the
sensible thing: call the authorities.
The City Watch has small, single-person "watch
boxes" set up on nearly every street corner in the Sea
Ward, including the intersection just outside the gates
of Cassalanter Villa. If a guard sounds the alarm, the
Watch member on duty fetches a force of forty City
Watch ve terans to cordon off the property.

If the City Watch gets involved, Lord and Lady Cas-
salanter become worried that someone has caught onto
their plot. The number of guards patrolling the grounds

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