waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

Stone ofGolorr. If the Cassalanters have the artifact
and aren't using it. it is also hidden in the desk's secret

This walk-in cloakroom contains the Cassalanter fami-
ly's expensive coats and cloaks, and it also has room for
the garments of up to one hundred guests.

This covered porch is the entryway typically used by the
Cassalanters' servants. Ten servants (human common-
e rs) eat here at mealtimes.

This room holds the following noteworthy features:
A dozen chairs surround a beautifully carved dining
table in the middle of the room.
T he table is set with golden plates, utensils, goblets,
and candlesticks. Silk napkins add to the display.
The Cassalanters dine here as a family. sometimes
inviting a guest or two to join them.
Founders' Day. During the party, th e dining table is
converted into a card table. Ten wealthy nobles are play-
ing a high-stakes game of Three Dragon Ante. A char-
acter can play a round by betting 5 gp and making a DC
15 Intellige nce check, adding a proficiency bonus if the
character is proficient with gaming sets. On a successful
check, the character wins^10 gp. On a failed check, the
character loses the stake.
Treas ure. The gold table settings and candlesticks
are worth 2,500 gp in total.

From sunrise until an hour after sundown, this kitchen
is a hive of activity:

  • A half dozen chefs run to a nd fro, seasoning meat,
    mixing batter, and otherwise preparing an impressive
    variety of food.

  • A rotund, red-faced man in a tall white hat barks
    orders at his underlings, brandishing a sharp knife
    with every instruction.
    Stairs in this room lead to the banquet kitchen on the
    second floor (area Cl4).
    The head chcf,jandar Chergoba (see "Head Servants,"
    page 116), oversees six chefs {human commoners).
    If jandar believes the characters are a threat, he shouts
    "For'zaal," causing ten knives to magically rise from the
    counters and attack. These knives are ftying swords
    that deal 4 {ld6 + 1) piercing damage on a hit.
    Founders' Day. jandar is n't here. Instead, he's prepar-
    ing Ammalia's poisoned feas t in a cooking pavilion out
    on the estate's sprawling lawn.

This room contains the following features:

  • Casks of a le, fresh water, and cooking oil are stacked
    in the middle of the room.
    Shelves of foodstuffs and ingredients line the walls.

    • The back wall of the pantry is one large wine rack that
      contains a variety of splendid bottled wines. (This
      wine rack conceals a secret door.)
      Lock ed Iron Box. Jandar Chergoba, the head chef,
      keeps his golden sacrificial dagger, golden mask, and
      crimson robes (see "Cult of Asmodeus," page 115) in a
      locked iron box underneath a sack of potatoes. The box
      can be unlocked withjandar·s golden key, or by a char-
      acter who makes a successful DC^15 Dexterity check us-
      ing thieves' tools. A character can also pry it open with a
      s uccessful DC^25 Strength (Athletics) check.
      S ecre t Door. The secret door to the library (area C3)
      can be detected by a character who makes a success-
      ful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. The character
      discovers that lifting a bottle of Baldur's Gate pi not
      noir from the rack unlocks the door and allows it to be
      pushed open.

This room contains the following features:
One gua.rd in House Cassalanter livery stands here,
absentmindedly examin ing the regal portraits that
adorn the walls and rest on fancy easels in var-
ious spots.

  • Fine armchairs arranged throughout the room smell
    faintly of pipeweed; the scent is almost obscured by
    incense and delicate perfume.
    If Lord Cassalanter has invited the characters to
    his home for any reason. he meets them here. If the
    conversation turns to business, he has Willifort bring
    his guests glasses of fine brandy and pipes filled
    with pipeweed.
    Portraits. The portraits on the walls depict several
    generations of Cassalanters. The ones on the easels,
    more recently painted, include the following:

    • A somber young Victoro with his beaming
      human father
      A wedding portrait, showing Victoro and Ammalia
      smiling and carefree
      Twelve-year-old Osvaldo holding a ceremonial rapier
      Ammalia s itting with baby Terenzio and Elzerina in
      her lap while Victoro reads them a fairy tale

This elegant ballroom contains the following notewor-
thy features:
In the center stands an eerie, human-sized wood-and-
cloth mannequin with a painted face. It is dressed like
a ballroom dancer.

  • The polished marble floor is a dazzling mosaic that
    depicts a silver chalice with the image of a golden s un
    on its outside. Characters who succeed on a DC^10
    Intelligence (Religion) check recognize it as the holy
    symbol of Siamorphe, demigod of nobility.
    Gilded mirrors and handsome tapestries festoon the
    walls. Along the west wall, windows with crimson
    drapes stretch from the noor to the ceiling.
    Despite its grandeur, this ballroom seems strangely
    dismal without anyone dancing in it. Stairs lead down

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