waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

Lord Neverember's hidden cache of dragons
is up for grabs. The Stone of Golorr knows
where the treasure vault is located and how to
get inside, and much of this chapter focuses on
the characters' hunt for the artifact. The chal-
lenges before them depend on the villain (or
villains) that you selected to oppose them. Whatever the
season, a villain's goals are simple: obtain the stone, find
the Vault of Dragons, and claim the treasure within.

Setting the Stage

In chapter 3, Lady Gralhund's nimblewright took the
Stone ofGolorr and fled with it. The nimblewright de-
livers the artifact to a location and leaves it there for the
main villain or villains to retrieve:
If Xanathar is the villain, the stone is delivered to a
mage named Grinda Garloth. She owns an apparatus
of Kwalish and lives in Mistshore, a seedy neighbor-
hood built on a dock in the Dock Ward.

  • If the Cassalanters are the villains, the stone is left in
    their family crypt in Waterdeep's cemetery, the City of
    the Dead. A halfiing necromancer gets to it before the
    Cassalanters or the characters do.

  • lfjarlaxle is the villain, the stone is delivered to
    Fenerus Stormcastle, a lamplighter in the Trades
    Ward. Penerus has a criminal history and is currently
    in trouble with the law.

    • lf Manshoon is the villain, the stone is brought to
      Thrakkus, a dragonborn butcher in the Field Ward
      who chops up bodies for the Zhentarim.

If the characters can't pick up the trail after the nimble-
wright escapes with the Stone ofGolorr, they might turn
to the City Watc h, the City Guard. or a friendly faction
for help, which comes forth in ld4 days. If it occurs to
none of the characters, an N PC suggests that the party
visit the House of Jnspired Hands to see whether the
priests of Gond know a way to find it (see "Ni m's Se-
cret," page 46). Thereafter, armed with Nim's nimble-
wright detector, the characters can sweep the city. But
by the time they find the nimblewright, it has already
delivered the Stone of Golorr to its intended destination.

When it is finally found, the nimblewrigbt (see appen-
dix B) is wearing a stolen cloak and hiding under a
pile of uncollected garbage in an alley. Exactly where
and when the characters stumble upon it is up to you.
With nowhere to go and no other purpose, it fights until
destroyed. Regardless of where and when this event
takes place, six members of the City Watch (veterans)
a rrive as the fight ends. Drawn by the commotion, the
Watch couldn't care less about the nimblewright and
believes any plausible story the characters tell them. (As
a construct, it had no rights to speak of.) The officers

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