6.4. Power http://www.ck12.org
- The conservation of mechanical energy can be written as:KEi+PEi=KEf+PEf
- In the presence of dissipative forces the conservation of energy can we written as:
- KEi+PEi=KEf+PEf+Qf, whereQfis the energy that has been transformed into heat.
- In the event of an explosion, heat,Qi, is added to the initialKEandPEenergies and in the most general case,
heat can also be lost,Qf, after the explosive, thus: - KEi+PEi+Qi=KEf+PEf+Qf
- The average power is the rate at which work is done or consumed or produced :P=Wt =(F xt)=F vand has
units of Watts(W)