CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics - A Short Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.1. Line Graphs and Scatter Plots

In this case the data is discrete. The graph tells that only whole numbers are meaningful for this problem and that
selling ten bracelets would mean a profit of $20.00. The sales indicate a total of $60.00 but this includes the start up
money of $40.00. Therefore $60. 00 −$40. 00 =$20.00 is the profit.

In all of the above examples, the type of line graph that was used was one that described a definite linear pattern.
There is another type of line graph that is used when it is necessary to show change over time. This type of line
graph is called abroken line graph. A line is used to join the values but the line has no defined slope.

Example 5:Joey has an independent project to do for his Physical Active Lifestyle class. He has decided to do a
poster that shows the times recorded for running the 100 meter dash event over the last fifteen years. He has collected
the following information from the local library.


Year Time (seconds) Year Time (seconds)
1995 11.3 2002 11.0
1996 11.2 2003 10.9
1997 11.2 2004 10.9
1998 11.2 2005 10.9
1999 11.2 2006 10.8
2000 11.2 2007 10.7
2001 11.2 2008 10.7
2009 10.5

Display the information that Joey has collected on a graph that he might use on his poster.


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