CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics - A Short Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.3. Box-and-Whisker Plots

From the above box-and-whisker plots, where the blue one represents the regular gasoline and the yellow one
the premium gasoline, it is safe to say that the additive in the premium gasoline definitely increases the mileage.
However, the value of 500 seems to be an outlier.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson you learned how the medians of a set of data can be used to represent the values in a meaningful
graph called the box-and-whisker plot. You also learned that two sets of data can be compared by representing them
using box-and-whisker plots graphed on the same number line. In addition, you also learned the importance of the
five-number summary associated with a data set and how these values can be found on the TI83 when a box-and
whisker plot is created using technology.

Points to Consider

  • Are there still other ways to represent data graphically?

  • We have seen how the mean and the median are used for graphical representations of data. Is the mode ever
    used to produce a graph?

Review Questions

  1. Below is the data that represents the amount of money that males spent on prom night,
    25 60 120 64 65 28 110 60
    70 34 35 70 58 100 55 95
    55 95 93 50 75 35 40 75
    90 40 50 80 85 50 80 47
    50 80 90 42 49 84 35 70
    Construct a box-and-whisker graph to represent the data.

  2. Using the following box-and whisker plot, list three things pieces of information that you can determine from
    the graph.

  3. In a recent survey done at a high school cafeteria, a random selection of males and females were asked how
    much money they spent each month on school lunches. The following box-and-whisker plots compare the
    responses of males to those of females. The lower one is the response by males

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