CK-12 Basic Probability and Statistics - A Short Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. The Shape, Center and Spread of a Normal Distribution - Basic

The sum of the third list divided by the number of data (36) is the variance of the marks.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson you learned that the standard deviation of a set of data was a value that represented the spread of the
data from the mean of the data. You also learned that the variance of the data from the mean is the squared value
of these differences since the sum of the differences was zero. Calculating the standard deviation manually and by
using technology was an additional topic you learned in this lesson.

Points to Consider

  • Does the value of standard deviation stand alone or can it be displayed with a normal distribution?

  • Are there defined increments for how the data spreads away from the mean?

  • Can the standard deviation of a set of data be applied to real world problems?

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