4.5. Geometric Distributions http://www.ck12.org
- ais the number of trials ending in 1 success
- pis the probability of success
- qis the probability of failure
Example A
Consider the coin game where the game ends once someone flips tails. What is the probability that the game ends
on the 3rd flip?
a=3 because there are 3 trials
q=. 5
p=. 5
P(atrials) =q(a−^1 )×p
P(3 trials) =
)( 3 − 1 )
P(3 trials) =
) 2
P(3 trials) =. 125
Example B
Suppose a copy machine consistently has a 5% chance of breaking on any given day. Although it might work for
many days in a row, it will inevitably break down. What is the probability that it lasts a whole five day work week
and breaks down on the 6th day?
Although it is counter-intuitive “success” is defined in this problem to be the machine breaks down.
p=. 05
q=. 95
P(6 trials) =. 955 ×. 05 =. 039
Example C
Consider the coin game again and make a probability distribution for games lasting up to 8 coin flips.
a (number of flips) Probability
1. 50 ×. 5 =. 5
2. 51 ×. 5 =. 25
3. 52 ×. 5 =. 125
4. 53 ×. 5 =. 063