CK-12-Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts - A Full Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 5. Measures of Central Tendency

343 + 18 + 26 = 387

Step 3:Divide this new total by 16 to determine the new average.




≈ 24. 19

Joe Sure Shot’s new average for the season is about 24.19 points per game.


  1. What is the mean of the following numbers?

10 , 39 , 71 , 42 , 39 , 76 , 38 , 25

a. 42
b. 39
c. 42.5
d. 35.5

  1. What symbol is used to denote the mean of a population?

  2. What measure of central tendency is calculated by adding all the values and dividing the sum by the number
    of values?
    a. median
    b. mean
    c. mode
    d. typical value

  3. The mean of 4 numbers is 71.5. If 3 of the numbers are 58, 76, and 88, what is the value of the 4thnumber?
    a. 64
    b. 60
    c. 76
    d. 82

  4. Determine the means of the following sets of numbers:
    a. 20, 14, 54, 16, 38, 64
    b. 22, 51, 64, 76, 29, 22, 48
    c. 40, 61, 95, 79, 9, 50, 80, 63, 109, 42

  5. The mean weight of 5 men is 167.2 pounds. The weights of 4 of the men are 158.4 pounds, 162.8 pounds, 165
    pounds, and 178.2 pounds. What is the weight of the 5thman?

  6. The mean height of 12 boys is 5.1 feet. The mean height of 8 girls is 4.8 feet.
    a. What is the total height of the boys?
    b. What is the total height of the girls?
    c. What is the mean height of the 20 boys and girls?

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