CK-12-Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts - A Full Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

7.12. Applications of Box-and-Whisker Plots


This chapter covers various ways of representing data, and how to use them to calculate certain measures. The types
are summarized in the following table:

TABLE7.21: Graph Types Summary

Graph Type Description
Line graph Basic plot in two dimensions, where the points are
connected if the variable is continuous.
Broken-line graph Graph that connects points by straight lines to show
change over time, so the line has no defined slope at
the corners.
Scatter plot Graph that plots one quantity on thex-axis and one
on they-axis to investigate whether or not there is a
relationship between the two quantities.
Pie chart A circle that is divided into sections (slices) according
to the percentage of the frequencies in each class.
Stem-and-leaf plot A graph that splits each data point into "stem" and
"leaf", putting all leaves with the same stem on the
same line.
Bar graph A plot made of bars whose heights (vertical bars) or
lengths (horizontal bars) represent the frequencies of
each category.
Histogram A graph in which the classes, or bins, are on the
horizontal axis and the frequencies are plotted on the
vertical axis. The frequencies are represented by verti-
cal bars that are drawn adjacent to each other.
Frequency polygon A graph that uses lines to join the midpoints of the tops
of the bars of a histogram or to join the midpoints of
the classes.
Box-and-whisker plot A graph of a data set in which the five-number sum-
mary is plotted. 50 percent of the data values are in the
box, and the remaining 50 percent are divided equally
on the whiskers.
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