8.5. Double Box-and-Whisker Plots http://www.ck12.org
TABLE8.8: Graph Types Summary
Graph Type Description
Double line graph Basic plot in two dimensions showing two different
dependent variables on the same scale. The points are
connected if the variable is continuous.
Two-sided stem-and-leaf plot A graph that splits each data point from two sets into
"stem" and "leaf". The middle column is all the stems,
while either side are leaves from that stem in the two
Double bar graph A bar graph with two bars for each category or bin.
The heights (vertical bars) or lengths (horizontal bars)
represent the frequencies of each category.
Double Box-and-whisker plot Two box-and-whisker plots set above the same line.
For each, 50 percent of the data values are in the box,
and the remaining 50 percent are divided equally on the