CK-12-Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts - A Full Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 2. Conditional Probability

2.7 Conditional Probability

Here you’ll learn the definition of conditional probability and how to use conditional probability to solve for
probabilities in finite sample spaces.

You’ve just done some data collection to determine the popularity of courses at your high school. Your calculations
show that 75% of the students take Geometry and 15% of the students take both Chemistry and Geometry. How
would you find the probability that a student who is taking Chemistry is also taking Geometry?

Watch This

First watch this video to learn about conditional probability.


Click image to the left for more content.

CK-12 Foundation: Chapter2ConditionalProbabilityA

Then watch this video to see some examples.


Click image to the left for more content.

CK-12 Foundation: Chapter2ConditionalProbabilityB

Watch this video for more help.


Click image to the left for more content.

Khan Academy Probability (part 6)


What if the probability of a second event is affected by the probability of the first event? This type of probability
calculation is known asconditional probability.

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